Title: Bound
lunaboClaim: Axel
Characters: Axel, with talk of Xemnas and other Org members
Theme Set: Light
Theme: 2. Freedom
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: Characters belong to their respective owners
Notes: 1st person; I am thinking that all of the drabbles/fics that I'm writing will some how end up being connected
in some way.
Spoiler Warning: Spoilers for KHII
We've been told that there's only one way to get a Heart, and that's to take over Kingdom Hearts. That's what Xemnas says. That's what he always says, several times a day, to the point where I want to hurl. Or burn things to a nice
crisp. I believe him like I believe milk tastes better after sitting on the counter for five months.
At this time, we're bound by our powers over the Nobodies. We can control them, so to speak...and we're the ones who are tied up with them. We're the ones who have no freedom because we know more...
Funny thing is, I still don't buy that whole bullshit about not having Hearts. So if getting freedom is getting a Heart, but we really do have Hearts, but we're still not free...that means we're never really free from anything, right? In other words, we're all screwed. Freedom's a word that some fucktard invented to screw with everyone's minds. I want to meet this guy.
Still, I go with the flow here. Waiting for...something else. Not freedom, as Xemnas calls it, but maybe freedom to do what we really want without having him breath down our backs. I don't know what it'll take to get that, but it's gotta be better than having him around.
So maybe that is the point; freedom's getting rid of those things that make your Heart hurt, and wrapping the Heart up with loved ones. Sure, maybe it's like having another Master, but it's gotta be better that way than having Him
around. Like having a kind Master, one that really cares. Not really free, but still...
I wouldn't mind having that sort of freedom.