Title: eventually (it'll be all right)
reversedhymnalClaim: Riku/Kairi
Pairing(s), and Characters: Riku/Kairi, Naminé, slight SoRiKa hints
Theme Set: Darkness
Theme: 4. Knowledge
Disclaimer: Erica does not own anything worthwhile - though I suppose that's mostly a matter of opinion. Allow me to rephrase that: Erica does not own anything belonging to Squeenix or Disney, and we're probably all better off for it.
Notes: Game Script for KHII supplied
here, and much thanks to it. Serious spoilers for The World That Never Was, in KHII. This is rather PG-13, because PG is embarrassing, and Saix is creepy without doing anything. And it's a little more than 2,000 words. ♥
He always comes to save her, even if he doesn't always do it exactly right.