Title: something borrowed something broken
Author: nirvana_falling
Claim: RikuRoxas
Pairing: Riku/Roxas, mention of RikuSora
Theme Set: Light
Theme: i. master
Disclaimer: Not mine, really.
Warnings: None, really.
Notes: Hmm. I screwed around with the timing of Riku's transformation. KH2 spoilers, etc. He'll keep pretending he likes Sora better.
The first time Riku leaves to find Sora’s other half DiZ grabs his wrist and pulls him backwards, a warning on his lips. His eyelids flutter desperately against the blindfold, but he doesn’t need to see those eyes to know what he’s being told. He is not the keyblade master, he is not, Sora is. Sora is who they need and who they want and Riku is just a pawn, roped in by his own passions and desires. A pawn of his good intentions and his hopelessly failed (failing doomed to fail) romance with Sora.
When Oblivion and Oathkeeper sing against his Souleater, then, he’s in shock and wonders if Roxas knows that he’s the shadow of something perfect. He lets himself fall to the ground, empty handed, as the blue-eyed Nobody spits questions he won’t answer out into the air. A metallic tang echoes in his voice and his eyes, a layer of steel behind the silk mask cut and crudely sown from Sora.
If he’s anything like Sora, he will lose. Riku moves like the rain caught on the wind and Souleater presses down on Oathkeeper, Oblivion pinioned by a booted foot. Anger snaps and rages out of the face that he’s been dreaming of for years, a snarl on lips that have only ever smiled. Roxas lashes out with a strength less like Sora’s and more like Riku’s- a strength born of anger and desperation. He will not lose.
Riku takes the opportunity to leave and think on this new development, disappearing as Roxas curses him, taking careful notice of him in the very way Sora never did. Aqua-green eyes hollow out and accept the pressing darkness, second-sight afforded by battle and obsession quickly fading. DiZ raises an eyebrow at him and Riku grins. No, he says, I did not find Sora.
I found something far better.