Title: Blue
lunaboClaim: Axel
Characters: Axel, Roxas
Theme Set: Light
Theme: 11. Beauty
Warnings: Axel+Roxas
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: Characters belong to their respective owners
Notes: 1st person
Thank yous:
Spoiler Warning: Spoilers for KHII
Just like us Nobodies, there's a world that was never meant to exist. In a surprise act of creativity, it's called 'The World that Never Was.' If you try to wrap your brain around that, it'll make your ears bleed. I mean, if it's a world that never was supposed to be, then it wouldn't be there, right? But it does exist, even though people say it shouldn't. Ouch.
Of all the worlds I've visited, it has the largest buildings, caressing the sky. Everything is dark there, except for the electric signs and the places that are touched by the light of the Heart Moon. This means things are shades of blue, black or gray, and an occational color might try to sneak in. It often rains here, and sunlight never graces the sky. This is our World, meant for us Nobodies. Rather morbid, really.
I hate it. I hate everything about it, from the gray, concrete streets, from the electic blue signs, to the tallest of buildings and that fucking Moon. I used to think it was beautiful. I even thought of it as a home; my ideas didn't change even after traveling to Castle Oblivion. Hell, Nobodies were dying left and right and I didn't give a damn 'cause I had a place to go.
Then he came along and wrecked everything. Beautiful, sad boy...blue eyes that outshown all the electical shit. He was filled with...emotion that brought life to this place, and the minute he was gone, everything dimmed. Everywhere I went, places he touched, was covered with shadows. The blue was dulled compared to his eyes.
Damn him for leaving. Damn him. He was what made it beautiful, and he took that away from me, and took my feelings, too.
Damn him...
For making me feel...
Title: Existence
lunaboClaim: Axel
Characters: Axel, Roxas, Sora
Theme Set: Light
Theme: 12. Love
Warnings: Axel+Roxas
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Characters belong to their respective owners
Notes: 1st person
Thank yous:
Spoiler Warning: Spoilers for KHII
He's got an army. That's the way I describe Sora's chain of friends. They're psycho. I mean, c'mon. How many people would be like "Oh yes! Here I am Nobodies and Heartless, willing to get shot for my dear friend! Please, shoot me now!' Then they start hacking and slashing like there's no tomorrow. I even think they're happy to help Sora, even when they're hurt.
I can't figure out...if maybe this is what they call love? I know there are varying degrees of love, or so I've been told. Would love be this insane wish to protect someone no matter what the odds? Maybe it doesn't make entire sense because I don't have a Heart...supposedly.
'Cause if I didn't have a Heart, I probably wouldn't try to figure all of this out. Say I did...love Roxas, does that mean I should have tried to stop him from leaving the Organization a bit more forcefully? I did try to stop him from merging with Sora...I did kinda try to get him back...
Of course, I haven't fought Sora to get to Roxas, so maybe that means I don't love him? A person's supposed to do anything for their love, right? Like all the other idiots that have been fighting with Sora...does that mean I love Sora?
I don't understand anymore...anything. Ever since Roxas left, things got so much more complicated. I can't decide what to do, what would make him happy...and I can't ask him because he went and merged with his irritating Other!
It can't be love if I can't decide to save him...right?
Title: Farewell
lunaboClaim: Axel
Characters: Axel, Roxas, mentions of Namine
Theme Set: Light
Theme: 13. Destiny
Warnings: Axel+Roxas
Rating: PG-13 for cursing
Disclaimer: Characters belong to their respective owners
Notes: 1st person; this is NOT the last fic; I'm taking the 14th challenge "Light." This will tie into the final piece, also.
Thank yous:
Spoiler Warning: Spoilers for KHII
No matter how often I go over the events, all I can say is there must have been some sort of force that led us to this point. Call it destiny or whatever. The point is that I have choices to make. I could stab Sora in the back and try to get Roxas back while he fights all the Nobodies, I could help him, or I could do nothing. Nothing is boring, as I've learned.
That leaves two options. It's not the first time that I've stabbed someone in the back. Do it all the time, in fact. However, I keep hesitating while around Sora, and I think...it wouldn't be right to do it.
And to help Sora...and I know I can't win unless...
Roxas, Roxas...I'm sorry. I knew when we talked...I would never see you again, you lucky bastard. You have a life, Roxas...you have a future...
I wanted to see you one last time...
You made me whole...
Sora...told him that too...he too...but you...you were special to me. You really were my friend...
Fading...and darkness and...I'm scared. I'll fade to darkness...and I didn't get a chance to tell you...not even to say...goodbye...
I'm jealous...she'll get to see you...damn...damn blonde...damn witch...