Title: Palimpsest
Author: taichara
Claim: Riku II
Characters: Riku II (others referenced)
Theme Set: Darkness
Theme: 4. Knowledge
Disclaimer: Not my characters, alas ..
Notes: After all, if the work needs to be put to another purpose, one must wash away and start again ...
“Oh, don't worry - you'll enjoy it.”
Biting, mocking words -- and then the world is nothing but the agony of death-bright thunder driving him to his knees even as he howls his defiance, tries to call his soul-killing wing, tries to to retreat to his creator, his betrayer ...
But the thunder is the victor, here; he sinks to the floor like a fluttering moth lured too close to the light, and he is barely aware of the bone-thin hands, burning like blood, that grasp him by the nape like a wayward pet to drag him away.
And somewhere there begins the soft scratching of a artist's pen ...
With such a brief and empty life, there is very little to be picked apart, unraveled and undone; and the pale twin is not, after all, truly a person ...
Therefore there is no need for gentleness, nor pity.
The work is quick, and brutal - the lines scratched in with harsh, angry strokes.
-- the brilliant golden fire of sunset at the beach --
Those scant hours since his nighted birth are torn bleeding from his fledgling heart -- what matter, there is no self to be found within them, surely -- to be replaced with a sweetly-bitter life that never could be his.
-- fresh fish grilled over charcoal, laughter as one almost falls on the coals --
No matter the agony it caused, as he howled his pain; just a pawn, just a toy ...
-- a conviction that something lay just beyond the horizon --
-- the bitter need to protect, to belong, to believe --
* scratch scratch * goes the pen, swiftly and without mercy; layer after layer into his bled-clean heart, while he keened in agony. Made to serve a single purpose, now remade to serve another master --
He shakes himself as the world spirals back, and surges to his feet as he spits out blood. The dull-gleaming midnight wing answers his silent call, and his eyes narrow with murderous intent as he takes in the black-shrouded strangers waiting before him like an unkindness of ravens.
“Where is she?!”
One steps closer, mouth twisted in a smile and blood-fire mane bristling in an unseen breeze.
“Ahh, she's fine, Riku.
“But we had to bring her here to the Castle, because there was no one left to protect her.
“Sora up and left her to chase after other, more important things.”
The silver shadow rears back at the lightly-mocking words, baring his teeth in outraged insult; and the midnight fires rage soundlessly about him.
“I'm here for her now.
“Get out of my way.”