Oct 18, 2006 14:25

Hey everyone, I am so so so sorry that I haven't been getting things running and it's been so damned slow around here. I just have a few things to say before i send you along.

First order of business: I am now opening the Drive Two sign-ups to everyone! We only have 6 people signed up currently, and I would like to have four more very soon. Please sign up over here!.

Second: To katamariben: As a co-mod, you should have taken over in my absence. I will try to contact you on AIM or LJ whenever I have the chance, but if by the end of this new form you have not expressed interest to stay on as co-mod, I will drop you.

That being said, there is the posibility of an opening for another co-mod.

Third: Thanks to all of you who reminded me that I was slacking o_o cookies all around :D

I've just started school, so that has been pretty hectic (getting used to the new system and stuff), but excuses are no fun so we'll pass over that. Please continue to spread the word and participate, so I can get this site running again D:

mod announcement

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