1. I've just read there's going to be a stuntworkshop (besides the sword or archery workshop) with Ben Schamma of Defcon Unlimited (
www.defcon-unlimited.de). I am definitely up for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stuntworkshop, how cool!
2. I've sold my ticket Nr. 166 and got a way better number which is silverticket nr. 36!!! that will get me a seat in the first 4 rows I suppose
3. John Noble (Denethor) is back for Ring*Con together with Karl Urban (Eomer) and various other well-known faces from Ring*Con...
4. my new elven dress is almost done..this year it is made of silk velvet and embroidered silk chiffon which was both used for the original dresses in the movies..so it is quite a cool dress..I'll post pics soon