Passions (12, Promise, Organization XIII)

Jul 28, 2008 17:54

Title: Passions
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Claim: Organization XIII
Theme: #12 Promise
Word Count: 374
Rating: T
Summary: Selphie was just trying to help the flowers!
Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts and Organization XIII belong to Square Enix...and Disney. :D
Author's Note: This is for my "random pairing" request thing I did at my journal. And, uh, the "pairing" is Marluxia/Selphie. Kinda. Gotta squint though. <3

Selphie is on the play island, smiling to herself as she dumps a bucket of water on some dying plants. She whistles before patting the now drowned flowers, and moving over to another set.

The air suddenly grows cold, and she blinks before turning around and seeing a tall, pink haired but still damn imposing man staring down at her, looking like he could kill.

“You’re doing it all wrong,” he says, his voice surprisingly deep for a guy with, well, pink hair. She only blinks again and drops the bucket of water. He ignores her and moves to the dying plants, kneels down, and whispers a few words to it.

Much to her surprise, the plants spring alive again; she grins, and grabs the bucket again.

The pink haired man knocks the bucket away. “Hm. Your heart is no where strong enough to be turned into a Nobody, and you’d be a weak Heartless. You’re not the Keybrat’s favorite, nor are you important to the silver haired freak.” He taps his chin, leering down at her. “What to do, what to do?”

Selphie grabs the bucket again and scowls at the man. “You could teach me what you did to save the plants,” she says.

He raises a delicate eyebrow. “Hm… Well, you’re worthless anyway; you might as well know how to protect such beauties.”

The man kneels down again, and gently runs a hand over another group of dying plants. “You must treat each with care and respect,” he begins, before moving to touch another plant. “Such treasures are the only thing worth living in this world.”

Selphie kneels next to him. “You’re a strange man.”

“Marluxia,” he corrects, moving to another patch of flowers. “My name is Marluxia.”

“Well, you’re still weird,” she grins, before patting a batch of flowers he had healed. “So, love and care, right?”

He stands, looming over her. “If I discover that you’ve attempted to drown such beauties again…”

Selphie blinks, turning around to see why he hadn’t finished his threat. “Huh,” she looks around again. “Where’d he go?”

After that, however, when she sees a dying flower, she whispers words of love and care, wondering what happened to the strange man with the pink hair.

Table: 43/100
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