#001 Love, Kairi/Namine

May 20, 2008 19:38

Title: It Beats In Mine
Claim: Kairi/Namine
Words: 566
Summary: Nobodies weren't supposed to have hearts. Then, how come Namine did?
Warnings: Shoujo-ai
Rating: K / K+

Kairi remembered clearly what they said, what they tried to drill into her mind. How a Nobody does not have a heart. Kairi used to think that true too, with her lack of information. They were willing to kill people just to claim their lost hearts, was that not heartless? Was that not evil? At first, it was. They were destroying, causing the end to other people’s lives. Now, she doesn’t know anymore. The truth, it is a hard thing to find. They say that Nobodies do not have heart. Namine’s a nobody too right? That can’t be possible though, she has a heart. She can feel the same emotions we do. Then how come she’s a nobody?

Nobodies are supposed to be emotionless. Is that not the truth? That is what others say. Many other people say that, but Namine doesn’t. Dear sweet Namine does not believe that. At least, that is what she told Kairi. Even if she had been lying, how could Kairi deny it? She seemed like she had a heart. She spoke like she had one. Then, how could she not? How could her body not contain a heart?

“K-Kairi?” Namine spoke softly.

It was completely unexpected. A question like that can never be expected. Namine could only ask the question herself. Did she truly have a heart? Was she lying to the redhead gazing at her with a look that seemed loving? Of course not. She may have done it before, but it was for the better. Now, there was no point. What point was there to lie now when all is said and done?

“Namine. Just tell me the truth. I need to know.” Kairi spoke sincerely as she frowned.

Namine’s mouth opened, but no sound came out. She stared at her Other in despair. What is the truth now? What does a lie matter? Still, how could she lie? She may feel emotions, but does she have a heart? She couldn’t even feel it beating in her chest. A person with a heart would have the instrument racing now. There was no adrenaline, no racing, no pressure. There was just no heart.

The blonde hung her head. “No. I don’t believe so.”

Then, Namine couldn’t look up. Before, had she been deceiving her own self? She did not feel whole at the moment. Was it an emotion? Was it there just because she truly wasn’t whole? It did not matter anymore because she just felt a light tug from the other girl before feeling warmth surrounding her. Kairi had embraced her into a loving hug, and oh what a special one it was. It made her smile without knowing.

“I don’t think there is any point in a Nobody having a heart anyway.” Kairi whispered into her ear.

Her face faltered. How could Kairi say that? Namine was about to ask when she was interrupted by Kairi breaking apart from her and laughing. Her crystal eyes widened at what she then said.

“You have your heart right here!” She said so proudly, a hand over her own chest.

The blonde girl couldn’t help but smile at Kairi’s enthusiasm. How beautiful. Her Other glowed with radiance and confidence, Namine couldn’t help but catch some of it herself. She smiled again and couldn’t help but hug the other girl tighter. It was a habit she could pick up.

“Of course.”

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