Jun 18, 2004 23:13
Ey hey-hey.Just got the computer fixed.Well,a week ago actually,but who cares.Im now back to wreak a small havoc on the computer community.Well,really small.Cuz chances are,Im probably just gonna be checking mail,and looking at some in-tranet hizehh!Wah hah!
Anyway,(I think)I start going to GCC for my High school credits.Im tired of going to the ATC for personal reasons.Thing is,I couldnt pull off the registration.Now I gotta go this monday with Ben for Theater Arts 101(an unofficial reg.) for starters.10:15 sharp,I gotta be there.Dont forget to remind me America.
I've been getting into the King of Fighters scene,first of all,thanks to Steve for that.I chickened out at first cuz I thought I stanks at fighting games.But,I guess I should be persistant and willing before I turn-away.Cant wait till the second 2 pack(KOF 02/03)comes out!Look out for it this December!All challengers come to meh!!ORA ORA!
Got the Chappelle show,Season one on DVD today.$20 at Tower Records.Get it today and wait for Season 2.Get it or you're gay.Wah hah!jk.IM RICH,BI-ATCH!!>HONK HONK!<
This would've been a better Friday if Ramiro gave me something to work on.Well,y'know,gotta have something to practice on,right?Right.
More action to you all later on.
"Night night!Keep your buthole tight!"~Tron