Apr 21, 2006 02:38
Work work work.Its all Ive been doing if you wondered.Its not bad,by all means.Although a 4 hour shift still knocks the wind out of me.Alot of things Im still not used to though,like dealing with bastards and bitches,Talking to someone at another branch for things I can care less about,constantly looking around for shoplifters(Knowing that if I spot one,Im not gonna do squat about it of course),growing ever weary of the pain in my feet and wondering whens' the next time my nose bleeds(cuz of the constant heat and the dust on unsold merchandise-mostly on alot of them.).But how can I complain?I've made $400 already.But maybe thats what keeps me going there.The fact that,Ive never made that much money before.It kinda feels like,I can buy whatever I want....hah hah hah....ha.Not really.
At any case,one thing I kinda want is a external hard drive.Im running out of space on the porta-com and Im still drawing stuff.Anyone know a good place to get one?
More and more people are starting to play regular games in Metal Gear Online(i.e less cheaters).Thank God for that.I wonder if there's a sweeper among the ranks.Hm.At this rate,things'll start to get more enjoyable.I still retain my Chameleon ranking(CHA).I wonder when that'll go away.On the 22nd or the 23rd(NOt so sure),1up.com has set up a date to to have the Kojima Production Development Team to play against us regular folk.There oughta be some trash talk round that time.SHould I join?...nah,I got work.
Thats all for now.