Aug 18, 2011 11:06
had my 21st bday yesterday. pretty uneventful because mid-august birthdays mean almost everyone is already going back to school, but i had a nice dinner with some of my fave ladies.
i am all signed up for courses for next semester: anthropology of islam, environmental economics, international finance/open econ, econ seminar on late industrializers, intermediate spanish, and jazz guitar.
notable in this list is that i am NOT TAKING ARABIC EVER AGAIN. i am so sick of that language because i have hit a total wall with it and unless i go live in the middle east my skills are not improving.
also, i am kind of pissed because i just found this perfect course called challenges to development. it's a senior seminar focusing on political and specifically economic challenges developing countries face buuuut I can't take it because it's listed in the godforsaken GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT. econ department, i know this is hard but it would be super sweet if you could consider letting an econ major, specifically one whose area of study is international economic development and policy, take a govt course on the subject. i mean, i am sure there is just as much econ there are there is in any other course considering half the course focuses on the phenom of "dutch disease."
christ on a bike why did i not just create my own major
or realize i have no interest in studying the middle east forever
but no now i am stuck finishing these two majors while my beloved international development course gets taken by govt majors who probably don't know the first thing about economics