1 year after the powerful 1x12 aired, we have another important episode as far as our ship goes...what did you think of it?
So Morgana is finally gone from Camelot--and not around Uther anymore. Oh well...
The important thing is Uther's reaction--god, did that scene at the end break my heart! :( Even more than last week's scene did, I'd say....ASH did such a fantastic job, and the fact that they actually showed him hanging out in Morgana's room (Arthur was even looking for him!) and fingering her jewels longingly, and then had him say he'd never forgive himself for not protecting her, even after he knew she had betrayed him and helped his enemies? DAMN, I was not expecting that, BBC! Thanks for that at least....I was right all along this season, that Uther was really the only one left who truly cared for Morgana, he seems most affected by her death!
And also for all that Morgana said she hated Uther this epp, and wanted him dead ("more than anything"--lol, with that and the secret meeting in the woods and even THE SAME DAMN OVERHEAD SHOT OF HER LEAVING THE CASTLE AT NIGHT AS IN (lol @ the lazy camera people recycling old episode clips), it did feel like a repeat of 1x12 in a number of ways....but like then, Morgana does NOT kill Uther, even though she has the perfect chance to do so--Arthur gave her a sword, Merlin provided pillows she could have used to smother the king (she could have blamed it on the illness), and they left her alone with him--but she didn't actually do the deed. She cannot want him dead above all....
Also, on a side note, Uther is the guy who treats Morgana best right now--Arthur ignores her, and Merlin POISONS her! :p