It's been two weeks since I last posted. Feels like forever.
First is this thing I found on xstal's LJ
In 2009,
KING_ULTIMATE resolves to...
Buy new holes.
Apply for a new arashi.
Ask my boss for a kanjani8.
Keep my nba clean.
Get back in contact with some old news.
Be nicer to newshfan.
I'didn't know you could by holes. I like this arashi, I don't want a new one. If only I had a boss and if only he/she could get me a kanjani8. Lmao. I don't own the NBA, how can I keep it clean? I don't get this one. I don't try newshfan mean. This thing is funny.
So I was in Manhattan and I saw this Japanese bookstore and I went insde. They had a bunch of mangas. I was looking at the mangas when I noticed magazines. There was bunch of magazines. I saw Ryo, Nino, Hiro and Takeru on a few of them. Then I saw Myojo! So I bought it. :D I don't have a scanner so I just took pictures of the magazine. There were two little book thingies. One had lyrics of News' album, Color, but they were in Japanese. :(
The cover
I think Arashi had the best individual pics.
They had like two pages each.
Yamapi unpacking his bags and Tegoshi holding his bags.
What are you doing Yamapi!? He ruined Koyama's solo pic. XD Ryo looking lost. lol
Shige = LOL. Massuda, what are you looking at?
She looks really pretty in this pic of her pic. XD She looks better in the actual magazine. At first I didn't like her with her haircut but now I think she's cute.
He only had one pic but it was a good one.
They had so many pages in the magazine!