IC Questionnaire

Jan 14, 2007 18:40


1. In your opinion, what is your best feature? What, I gotta pick just one?  Well, if I have to, I guess I'd say it's my eyes.  Whenever people got somethin' nice to say to me, it's usually how pretty they are.

2. What is your most prized possession? Um, I don't really own that much to prize.  Pretty much anything I get, I end up hockin' to get money for food or clothes or whatever.  But, uh, oh!  There's that book I pinched, got stuff on spells in it.  Real old, and it let me learn how to do some illusions 'n stuff.  Don't think I'm gonna sell that baby, not until I've got it memorized anyway.

3. What is your first memory? ...Bein' alone, out on the street.

4. What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?  A genuine, honest smile.  Directed at me.

5. What is your favorite kind of weather?  Definitely when it's sunny out, so I can just go out and walk where ever I wanna go.  When it's rainin' or snowin', I get stuck inside, or have to go out in the miserable.  And gettin' sick's no fun at all, so...Sunny it is!

6. What is your favorite drink? Well, uh, don't tell Iruka, but I've tried a little ale down at the pub.  That was pretty good.  But, uh, usually I just stick with water or tea.

7. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? Well, uh, landin' on Sakura in that fountain was pretty embarassing...

8. What is your deepest, most well hidden sexual fantasy? I...I don't have those!  I just...I don't really think about that stuff.  Never done any of it, so how would I know?  But, uh, I dunno, more the merrier sounds like a good philosophy to me~? [ooc note: I figure,  he's so affection starved his entire life, he's clamoring for as much as he can whenever he can get it.  LOOK AT MY LOGIC ISN'T IT SHINY? >>]

9. Describe the perfect date. I, uh, I never really thought about it that much.  I guess...just bein' with a girl who really likes me, y'know?  Although doin' something like walkin' around Konoha'd be pretty fun, too.  I hate just sittin' around.

10. What do you believe in, above all else? That things can change.  That the world can be better, and that I can be better.

11. Do you believe in a higher power/God?  I dunno.  But if there is one, he's a jerk who should care more about his creations, 'cuz the world sucks.

12. What's the worst thing you could actually do to someone you hated? Spare no details. I...I dunno.  But a lot.  Man, if I ever got in a room with some of those Akatsuki bastards...

13. Overall, what do you think is wrong with most people? They just don't care enough.  Don't wanna change anything, don't wanna work for anything, don't wanna fix anything.  They just want someone else to do it for 'em.

14. What was the worst injury you've ever received? How did it happen?  Aw, man, I dunno if there is a worst.  There was one fight, broke about three ribs, had to stay in bed for more'n a month.  Then, one guy pulled a big freakin' knife on me one time, got me good in the side.  If Iruka hadn't been lookin' for me, I probably woulda led to death.

15. What do you do when you're bored? Just head out in the city, usually.  Pick a fight, watch the people, whatever.  I just like...bein' out there.
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