For some reason i get REALLY into movies when they start getting trailers up and stuff and I hav the urge to see the IMMEDIATLEY. But FUUUUCK there are some good movies comming out and im really excited. And because its the holidays i have chosen to share my enthusiasm w\ everyone (instead of buying actual presents)
Poseidon - Remember that girl in Phantom who could sing? Remember that hot woman named Fergie in the Black Eyed Peas? Remember tidal waves, mass destruction, and violence? ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE THE THIS MOVIE!!! Xmen3 - I am a huuuuge xmen fan and this one looks like its gonna b the best one. They got rid of that asshole director Brian Singer and got a new one whos into more live special effects than digital. Plus Famke Jenson, Rebeca Romain (the blue girl) and Hale Berry are in it... enough said Hostel - Anyone who has seen Cabin Fever and knows anything about Quentin Tarrantino knows that this is going to be a fuuuuuucked up movie. Thus i really want to see it Munich - This is about what happened after 11 isreali athletes were taken hostage and killed in the Munich olympics. Its not just cause im jewish, its also directed by Steven Speilberg so it will be good. Underworld: Evolution - vampires vs wearwolves vs sumthing else - Kate Beckinsdale is all i need, but for everyone else theres a SHIT load of action. I'm very excited. Confeti - I love Mock-u-mentaries and this one looks funny Final Destination 3 - A cool series, i hav doubts about this one tho... the animation looks cheesy in the trailer, but the concept of these movies are really cool. Basicly sumone has a premonition about all their friends dying (this time on a rollercoaster) and so they don't get on. Low and behold sumthing horrible happens and they were almost the ones who died in that accident. BUT its not over! One by one death hunts them down. Chumscrubber - I dunno why, but this looks really good. Fun with Dick and Jane - Fuck yea, Jim Carey can't go wrong. This looks hillarious Slither - I'm almost positive this is a joke... but i hav a hint of doubt. I think its one of those "scream" type movies that are funny and scary. It looks good to me any way Paradise Now - This looks really good, like a new perspective on terrorist bombings Hoodwinked - HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH and there are so many more... i really should b studying for finals.... o well