Jan 11, 2007 07:15
I consider it idiotic how we as humans continue to place ourselves in situations that cause us grief, hurt and possibly major damage. After my last year long relationship, I told myself that I would not jump into another for a long, long time...if ever. That unfortunately has not been the case and I am currently enjoying the rapid freefall into the gaping hole of uncertainty...
Although I think most of us enjoy the pain and suffering another human being inflicts on us (barbaric. yes i know) because we sit there like dogs waiting for the slightest show of affection, sex, company, comfort and all the like....OR we become the one inflicting the pain....ha...its funny... i read some book where a girl asked her friend if she wanted to give pain or receive pain in her relationship because she could only pick one or the other....yeah. her friend couldnt decide....
so i ask...
would you rather GIVE or RECEIVE pain in your relationship?