there is a lot of talk about the Police/SIS being given much broader powers by their political masters. So far I've not been fussed about the changes. Paritally because I had assumed this was already teh case but This could also be because I have an idea of how much resources it takes to collect, colate and understand raw intelligence which, when compared to resources available, really limits the amount of surviallence the sercurity services can achieve. Also, having grown up after the cold war I don't have the recollections of our own little examples of intelligence penetrations that occured during the 70's & 80's. That said, NZ experienced more terrorism than people like to realise. We all know about the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior, but very few people ever talk about the Wellington Trade Centre bombing in 84, The Wanganui Police Database bombing in 82 or the Huntly Rail brigde bombing in 51. Four attacks in half a century is pretty impressive considering our population in that time!
Kiwipolitico has an interesting piece concerning the SIS' recent request for academics to report suspicious research and behaviour. One that also notes the number of unvetted students coming over from Saudi and Pakistan. Afghan Quest notes that as if untrained idiots running round with weapons they can't handle was bad enough in the US, in Afghanistan there are also too many idiot boys and even heavier weapons, most notably the old Soviet 107mm Rocket. The straetgist half / explores half mocks WIlliam S Lind by rephrasing the '4 generations of warfare' along cultural/societal lines: