Well I returned to work today and it was uber suck.. I work at Sykes which is currently taking calls for an ISP. I took 26 calls today.. yarg... Last call was just a major prick, so they ended up wanting a supervisor to bitch and complain to when I told him it was probably something with his inside wiring. Blarg..
Anywho my shoulder and arm are feeling better but my foot still feels weird... almost like a sprang, which I don't see how I could of got it. oh well.. means I get to play with the pain releif creme some more... oh yeah.. now that's hawt...
As noticable though I've been making my rounds to other live journals and added them to my friends list as well as I've been added as a mutual friend to
midwestpun who we all know in X-Jam as the "Prince of Perfection" formerly "The Punisher". So Thanks a lot Rob I greatly appreciate it. I've added a couple of other Friends last night(Monday) so hopefully people will come from there to here or vice versa... yeah...
Lets see I did learn an interesting fact though. I saw one of my coworkers at the last event and I found out that her sister is currently dating Sammy Savard, well that's what she told me. So tons of fun, tons of fun...
Anywho other than thaqt Nothing else really going on. I have to make it thorugh another day of work then I'm off then another day... then off.. Whoo Hoo...