(no subject)

Jan 03, 2007 21:31



Authors: ceria_taliesin and westwardlee
Rating: PG13
Summary: Some resolutions are harder to keep than others - and some seem easy.
Disclaimer: Don't you get it yet? They belong to JKR. We don't own their universe and we don't make any money off them. The only thing we do is subvert them to feed our twisted sense of interests without making any money.
A/N: Written for the AWDT prompt, "and one more for luck"

The index of stories

The party at Southwood's was in full swing when Chambers and Nigel arrived. The adult conversation immediately came to a standstill, the only noises being the cooing of babies and the Christmas music coming from the wireless.

Chambers, looking better than ever, stood at the threshold next to Nigel. Then he took his partner's hand and said out loud, "Happy Christmas, everybody."

A swish of taffeta and Maura came from the direction of the kitchen, where she was overseeing the final preparations for dinner. She elbowed her brothers-in-law unceremoniously and with open arms, walked toward Chambers, hugging and kissing him affectionately, wishing him an equally Happy Christmas. Then she turned with a wide grin to Nigel, a good-looking dark-haired man with deep green eyes and extended her hand. "You must be Nigel. I've heard a lot about you. Welcome to the Shacklebolts' Christmas party." Not waiting another second, she announced, "Let me introduce you to the family. You, of course, have already met Eloise and Bruns, haven't you?"

Taking him by the hand, she shot a piercing stare at her husband. He understood that look: he'd seen it many times before, and immediately came forward, shook Nigel's hand, mumbling a "Welcome and Happy Christmas," and took him to where Southwood was sitting.

Eloise was hugging her son; as soon as Nigel was introduced to Southwood, she kissed Nigel on both cheeks and then, helped by Maura, the two women flanked Bruns, who had no other option but greet his son's partner.

Leaning against the wall, next to Santini, Kingsley was damn proud of his mother. For a fleeting second, he thought that he could have brought Gideon to the party, too. Then he remembered he wasn't talking to Gideon.

Santini nudged him and the two of them walked towards Chambers and Nigel.

Not only was this the first year without their father, it was the first year that Christmas would be celebrated outside their parent's home. Gideon didn't mind the Burrow, as Fabian affectionately called it, but he missed his parent's house.

The family that bought it had renovated most of the outside, not that Gideon or Fabian had an excuse to go there and look. Not once. The worst part, in Gideon's mind, was removing the Prewetts' gravestones. Molly, apparently the only reasonable one among the three siblings, had gone for a visit requesting the headstones after Fabian discovered they were gone.

Their answer had been a decisive no, can't help you that Molly wouldn't explain any further to Gideon or Fabian. Just as they wouldn't answer her questions as to the current tension between them. At a standoff, in the end they did the proper thing and ignored their arguments for the holiday.

Gideon sat on the sofa playing with Bill. Fabian, just home from another mission, had used the Floo to contact Molly and tell them he'd be late. He was home taking a shower and a nap until Lydia finished work.

Gideon wasn't surprised when Lydia joined them for Christmas Eve dinner considering she practically lived with Fabian now. However, he had been caught off guard when she approached him warmly and kissed his cheeks, "Renee said to tell you hello and Happy Christmas."

"Er, Happy Christmas to her as well," Gideon stuttered, shocked that Renee would even think of him. Fabian winked at him and Gideon frowned, wondering what he had said to smooth things.

They gathered around the table, Gideon between Bill and Charlie while Fabian and Lydia flanked Percy. Molly was clearly showing her fourth pregnancy, but she was still thin enough that it didn't hamper her movements. With a small smile, Gideon watched Arthur help her dutifully. They were the example of a couple he should follow. It was nice to see someone not afraid to show their feelings.

Chambers hugged his two cousins warmly, Santini reciprocating in kind and Kingsley definitely less enthusiastically. He was still wary of this new Chambers and always expected some sort of mean reaction from his cousin.

"Santini, Kingsley, this is Nigel. My partner," Chambers added proudly. After the men shook hands, Chambers looked around, as if trying to find someone, and asked Kingsley, "Where's Gideon?"

Kingsley stiffened. "I have no idea. Probably at his sister's house."

"Why didn't he come here?" Chambers missed the slight headshake from Santini and continued, "Didn't you invite him?"

"Why should I have invited him?" Kingsley asked testily.

Chambers seemed confused. "Because…" Then he caught Santini's warning glance and ended with a meek, "He's such a nice bloke."

Nigel, completely innocent on family matters, piped in agreeably, "Isn't he your boyfriend, Kingsley? The one you told me about, right, Chambers?"

Santini winced at the same time Kingsley answered coldly, "Who put this idiotic idea in your head?"

"Kingsley! Don't talk to Nigel like that," Chambers said in defense of his partner.

"You know, Chambers, you were a fuckwit when you were a child and now that you're older, you're an even bigger fuckwit." With these words, Kingsley strode angrily to the other side of the room, where his twin cousins were. At that point, he preferred the company of giggly girls than that of Chambers and that moron he'd brought with him.

The three men followed him and Chambers finally asked Santini, "What bit the golden boy tonight?"

Just as he realized he should he helping in the kitchen as well, Bill climbed onto Gideon's lap and tugged his hair.

"Uncle Gid?"

"Hi, Billy."

"Uncle Gid! That's not my name, don't call me that."

"And my name is Gideon, not Gid."

"It's too long."

"All right," Gideon said with a laugh. He really didn't mind the name - he didn't mind most things Bill did.

"How come you and Fabian don't have kids like Mum?"

Startled, Gideon glanced at Fabian, who was covering his mouth with his hand, laughing. Thankfully, Lydia had already joined Molly in the kitchen and didn't hear the question.

"How come I have a nickname and Fabian doesn't?"

"He does, Charlie gave him one."

"What is it?"

"Fay, of course."

Turning his head to hide his smile, Gideon nodded, "Okay. We should go help your Mum with the dinner."

"Nope, that's for the birds," Charlie said, climbing onto Gideon's other knee. "We should sit here and watch."

"Charlie! Where did you hear that?" Gideon bit the inside of his mouth to hide his laughter.

Charlie glanced around, making sure no one was close, then whispered, "The neighbor said we all do too much bird's work. Daddy says it because we outnumber Mum and we should help. Uncle Gid? Since when do birds cook? They don’t have hands!"

Unable to control his laughter any longer, Gideon looked at Fabian helplessly, who left the room.

Thanks, brother. "Girls are birds," Gideon said, "It's a nickname that means girl."

"Does that mean I get to be an eagle?"

"Or a hawk?"

"Nope, boys are usually gits."

"Mum!" Bill yelled at the top of his lungs, "Uncle Gid just used that word you told us not to say!"

"He's upset," Santini answered curtly.

"Well, that's obvious, but it's still not a reason for him to be rude to Nigel," Chambers squeezed Nigel's hand.

"It's all right, love. He's still quite young."

"Yes, but if my aunt knows he was rude like that to a guest, he'd be sorry."

Santini didn't comment. He followed Kingsley with his eyes: Kingsley was talking to the twins and laughing with them. Maybe it was better for his cousin to be in the company of women that night. The sight of a happy gay couple was probably the last thing Kingsley should be seeing.

"Anyway, he said that Gideon's not his boyfriend," Chambers insisted, then turned to Nigel, "And that's the worst case of denial I've ever seen. He's mad about that bloke. Isn't he, Santini? You know Kingsley better than any of us."

"He is - both mad about Gideon and in deep denial."

"But he could have brought him here, no? I'm sure Aunt Maura wouldn't mind."

"No, actually Uncle Mac asked him if Gideon would be coming to the party. He lost his father this year and Uncle Mac thought the Prewetts would not have much of a Christmas in this situation."


"Kingsley told him that Gideon would be at his sister's house."

"I'm surprised that Aunt Maura didn't invite all of the family here, then. It would be just like her," he told Nigel, "to make sure that they would have something to alleviate their loss."

Santini didn't say a word. Chambers frowned at his cousin and insisted, "What's wrong, Santini? You didn't agree with me."

Sighing deeply, Santini answered, "It would have been just like her, yes, but she wouldn't invite Gideon."

"Why's that?"

It was none of his business, but Chambers was well aware that Kingsley liked Gideon a lot. Maybe if Chambers knew the truth he'd be a little nicer to Kingsley. "She walked in on them one day when she came home early from Christmas shopping."

"No fucking shit!" Chambers whispered. "What were they doing?"

"Apparently just snuggling in a chair. But, according to what I gathered, with visible signs of it being…more than bloke-ish play."

"What did she do?"

"She was very upset. She said she hated the deception. And then she said she'd have to tell Uncle Mac that Kingsley was bisexual."

Chambers cringed and Nigel, either by association or by personal experience, did, too. "You're almost making me feel sorry for the little git. But Uncle Mac doesn't seem to be that upset."

"She ended up by not telling him."

"Really? And why?"

"Well, Kingsley was begging her not to tell Uncle Mac and she logically said she couldn't keep such a thing from her husband, and that one day they'd make another blunder and Uncle Mac would find out. And then he'd be upset at her for not telling him." He turned to Nigel. "They have a wonderful marriage, and it's based on truth and respect. She was right."

"So how did Kingsley convince her?"

"He told her he wouldn't make another blunder: he'd just stop seeing Gideon."

"WHAT?" Chambers shouted, making a few heads turn his way. He waved at the members of the family, waited until they went back to their conversation and repeated, in a whisper, "Why did he do that?"

"He was afraid of his father's reaction and is also in deep denial. He thought he could do it."

"Has he been able to keep the promise?"

"So far. But he's miserable. He's in love and he doesn't know that."

"Never though that git would be selfless enough to fall in love."

"Be nice to your cousin, love," Nigel said. "He's young. He has a lot to learn. Now, most important, how does the other bloke feel about it?"

"I don't know. Kingsley told me he just said all right. In a way, it's better it happened like that. He's going through hell now, but Gideon's reaction shows me that he was not that interested anyway. Kingsley'll get over him." Santini knew he sounded bitter - he was. He'd thought that Gideon cared for Kingsley, too, but Kingsley's retelling of the Floo conversation had proven otherwise.

"Gideon, no swearing in front of the children," Molly called from the kitchen.

"Well. I think girls are yucky," Charlie declared, folding his arms and sticking his chin out to glare at his brother.

"They are not," Bill said, "but I like boys better."

"Boys make better friends," Gideon agreed. "They make much more sense than bir… girls."

"See, Charlie! Uncle Gid agrees, I'm just going to kiss boys and not girls when I grow up. Girls are yucky."

"Bill Weasley!" Gideon said, shocked and not realizing just how loud he yelled. He flinched when Fabian appeared in the doorway, tilting his head to silently ask what was wrong.

"Don't say such a thing," Gideon whispered furiously.

"Why not?"

"Because boys don't kiss boys."

"You just said boys are better, Uncle Gid."

"I said boys make better friends, I didn't know you were talking about dating them."

"Why can't you date them?"

Gideon closed his eyes and tried to keep his face in some sort of neutral expression.

"I'll talk to him, brother mine," Fabian said softly, taking Bill from Gideon's lap. Without opening his eyes, Gideon nodded and set Charlie on the floor as well, scrambling from the chair to get to the back porch where no one currently was.

He had promised himself he wasn't going to think about the git. Promised himself that Christmas would be fine without the damn imp around. He took a deep breath and ignored the fact it caught in his chest. He must be getting sick.

The door swung open five minutes later and Gideon felt his brother lean against his back, hands holding Gideon's arms tight against his side.

"Molly said you've been here the last two afternoons, helping prepare, playing with Bill and all sorts of things."

Gideon nodded.

"I haven't seen you all week, you haven't returned any of my calls, and you're avoiding me."

Gideon nodded again.

"He called it off, didn't he?"

Shrugging Fabian off him, Gideon stepped forward, leaning his head against the cold glass. Fabian closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around Gideon.

"Are you all right?"

He didn't answer; there was no reason to give Fabian a reason to say I told you so.

"The best thing to do is move on, Gideon. You knew it couldn't last, and why are you treating this different than any other bird or bloke you went out with?"

Gideon didn't move, didn't speak, didn't dare open his mouth and tell his brother to fuck off like he wanted to.

"Oh, Merlin," Fabian said, stepping away and twirling Gideon around, forcing him to look at him. "You can't let him go, can you?"

Santini was worried about Kingsley; he was brooding, even during Grandpa's traditional reading of the Christmas Story. That was so much unlike him and the other relatives had started noticing. There had been comments about Kingsley missing a certain "someone," and Maura and Santini had exchanged a knowing glance at those words. They knew why Kingsley was in a bad mood - the rest of the family ascribed it to either adolescence irritation or the fact that he might have had a row with his girlfriend.

He'd had a row with Marlene, but it had been because she called him inattentive during their last date. He'd blown his top and told her she was too clingy. She told him she had the right to be clingy to her boyfriend and the icing on the cake was him yelling at her, "I'm not your fucking boyfriend."

He managed to run out of her room before the shoe she threw hit him.

After Christmas dinner Santini took Kingsley aside and asked him if he wanted to go out with him, Chambers and Nigel.

"I don't think so, Santini, but thanks for asking," Kingsley answered curtly.

"Stop this nonsense, Kingsley. Chambers is your cousin, too and he's not that annoying child any more. Let's go dancing."

Kingsley shook his head. "I can't. Remember, I told Mum I wouldn't go for blokes any more." He paused. "It's actually been easier that I thought: I have no desire to go dancing with men."

Santini sighed deeply. That was probably true and he knew why: it had nothing to do with a change of sexual preference. It had to do with the fact the only bloke Kingsley wanted was probably having fun somewhere else. "We don't have to go to a gay bar."

"And where will those two dance?"

"They can go by themselves. Come on, let me buy you a Happy Christmas drink. It's a tradition, remember? The adults go to bed and the cousins go out for a hoopla together."

"I told the twins I'd take them out."

"They can go with us. They can't drink, but neither will you, right? Let's go to The Wand and the Cauldron.

Kingsley nodded half-heartedly, but followed his cousin. To his surprise, Chambers and Nigel decided to join them for a harmless Christmas Eve night out.

Thinking out loud, Fabian said, "Mac said he hasn't seen you and wondered why you weren't over there during the holiday. He said Kingsley's been grumpy and assumed it concerned some bird. But it doesn't, does it?"

Still not speaking, Gideon shrugged his shoulders.

That was unlike Gideon. He never had a problem with his decisions, or with leaving someone. This was the Prewett who didn't believe in love. Gideon looked down, staring at his brother's chest. He wasn't acting the way he usually did when he ended a relationship.

"Do you want… to talk about it?" Fabian rushed through the second half of the sentence.

With a little laugh, Gideon shook his head no.

"Liar. What happened, Gideon?"

With a sigh, Gideon looked over his shoulder, out the window at the snow. "Maura found us in an awkward position, neither of us denied it. I told her it was my fault, that I pursued it, but she didn't completely believe it.

"She told Kingsley that she had to tell Mac. Kingsley made me leave directly after that. He compromised with her. She wouldn't tell Mac and he wouldn't speak to me again."

"What?" Fabian was surprised. He knew Mac was terrifying to most everyone, but considering the way Kingsley stood up to him months ago - while naked - Fabian couldn't imagine that Kingsley was afraid of his father. "I find that hard to believe."

Gideon shrugged again, "Like I said, it wasn't open for discussion. He called me through the Floo and said it was over. Didn't have the balls to do it in person and he hasn't contacted me since."

"That doesn't sound like Kingsley at all," Fabian said.

"No, which means that he must have really wanted out and this was his convenient excuse."

Touching his chin, Fabian gently made Gideon look at him, "Are you okay?"

"I think so. I just don't know why it's bothering me so much."

The Wand and the Cauldron was filled with teenagers and the three older men wrinkled their nose. Santini wouldn't think of leaving Kingsley, but he told Chambers and Nigel they could leave, if they wanted.

"No," both men answered at the same time, laughed, and Chambers continued, "It doesn't matter. It has to be an early night anyway. We open gifts before breakfast, don't we?"

"True. We can have a drink and then leave."

Kingsley and the twins were waving at various friends at the pub. They had arrived quite late and the place was packed. But the twins soon saw one of their classmates and rushed to the table from where the girl was waving at them.

"Thea! Sissy!" the girl cried out. Kingsley cringed. His poor cousins had horrid, old-fashioned family names, but Theodora and Cecilia were much better than those ridiculous nicknames people called them at school.

"Margaret!" they screamed in unison. There were other girls at the table and there was much kissing and giggling. For a second, Kingsley thought that maybe he should have gone dancing with his cousins. He wouldn't do anything else, just dance. But he was pulled from the thought by Theodora, who was dragging him and Santini, while Cecilia did the same to Chambers and Nigel.

There was much cooing over the fact that Chambers and Nigel were a gay couple and one of the girls was downright staring at them with a silly grin on her face. She seemed familiar and when she turned towards Kingsley, he remembered she was a Gryffindor in his year. He introduced himself to her, and she said, "I know you. You're Marlene's boyfriend, aren't you?"

Laughing, Fabian said, "You don't know, do you?"

"It's not like this was going to be permanent."

Fabian closed his eyes, thinking hard about what to say. As much as he didn't like it, Kingsley was the only person that Gideon consistently defended, refused to stop seeing, and put before his family. His first solid… relationship since he dated that young witch with the long black hair his sixth year of school. Even she had taken a backseat to Quidditch, Fabian and everything else.

He had never seen Gideon try so hard to make something work. For the most part, it wasn't a matter of trying between them - even Fabian had to acknowledge they had a strong chemistry between them. Very few people stood up to Fabian, and no one ever stood against him when it came to protecting his brother. Except Kingsley.

Which made Kingsley's flimsy excuse about his father seem all the more pathetic to Fabian. Kingsley, who wished only to become an Auror, had no qualms about arguing with Fabian. If he could stand up to Fabian, the person who would most likely apprentice him as an Auror, there was no reason he couldn't face Mac. Unless he wanted out and didn't have the balls to do it without an excuse.

This breakup worked for Fabian, of course, since he didn't want to train an almost brother-in-law…

Blinking his eyes, Fabian looked at Gideon again, at his forlorn expression, the slumped shoulders, the tightness throughout his body. He was mourning. Like Fabian, who just realized the truth when he called Kingsley his almost brother-in-law, Gideon knew that they were way past casual. No wonder Gideon was so upset.

Except that he would never admit it. Especially now. With a sad sigh, Fabian pulled Gideon into his arms again and held him again. This time, Gideon didn't resist.

This wasn't like his brother at all. No bird or bloke ever upset him to the point of helplessness, which was all Fabian could see in the lines of Gideon's body. Fabian was furious and hoped that he'd have a chance to confront Kingsley.

Thank Merlin Auror training wouldn't begin for months. He wondered if he could make a call or two and arrange for Kingsley to fail… No, that wouldn't be fair. Fabian promised himself that every opportunity from then on would be geared toward Kingsley's misery.

The git.

Patting the back of his brother's head, Fabian saw Lydia inside, waving at them.

"Time to go, brother mine. You all right?"

Gideon pulled away; nodding at Fabian with a small smile, "Let's go."

Fabian held the door open and politely ignored Gideon's whispered thank you.

Kingsley opened his mouth to say he was no fucking boyfriend of anyone's, but Theodora piped in, "No, Sally, they broke up right before Christmas."

Sally's demeanor turned to coy. "Really? I thought you were for keeps, you know?"

Kingsley grunted a "No," and turned to his cousins. "Anyone fancy a drink?"

He took the orders and Santini went to the bar to help him out. When they got back to the table, seating had been arranged and there were two empty places, one next to Sally and the other next to Chambers. Kingsley shot an evil look at his female cousins: it was obvious they had arranged it so he would sit next to Sally. They knew he'd hate to sit next to Chambers.

Well, I'll show you, he thought facetiously, and let himself fall heavily on the chair next to Chambers. He turned to his cousin's partner and said, "So Nigel, we finally have a chance to talk. Welcome to the family."

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Sally's scowl. He didn't give a damn. He didn't want a girlfriend at all.

Bill climbed back into his lap and Gideon flinched at first, worried about more questions where Molly might hear, but his nephew didn't say much else. Of course, with the presents being passed out, he was much too excited to care about girls.

The Weasley's had always passed presents out the night before, which left the adults time to clean after the children collapsed from exhaustion and nothing to do in the morning but play. It had been a tradition in Arthur's family that Molly enjoyed.

He finally felt better after talking - sort of - to Fabian. Relaxing for the first time that evening, Gideon watched the children open their various gifts. Bill, of course, decided Gideon's hands were too full with himself and opened Gideon's gifts for him.

Kingsley left for Italy with Santini the day after Christmas. His cousin had suggested he spent the days until New Year's Eve with him and Maura had agreed wholeheartedly. She knew why Kingsley was brooding and was torn between telling him to go look for Gideon and the desire to avoid the very unpleasant reaction her husband would have to the news that his son was in a gay relationship.

At last, she convinced herself that Kingsley was too young anyway and this, too, would pass. It had been his decision and she knew he was going through a rough time, but it also served as a lesson in growing up.

Kingsley was morose in Italy, too, and Santini decided his cousin needed a dose of reality. After the first day there, when he arrived home to find Kingsley sitting in front of the telly, watching a show in a language he didn't understand, Santini told him he'd be going to San Mungo with him the next day. "We're shorthanded and you can help by working there."

It had been a good decision. Kingsley made himself useful, helping patients who couldn't walk on his own and by doing a marionette show for the sick children.

He returned to Britain with Santini on December 31st, feeling much better than before. He'd been so busy that he didn't have time to brood about Gideon and his easy brushing off of their friendship.

The two cousins went directly to Southwood's house and Kingsley entertained his grandfather with the hospital tales, receiving a good-humored, "Now, don't you change your mind and decide to be a Healer instead."

"Don't worry, Grandpa. I'll be an Auror."

"Good. I talked to Moody a few days ago and he told me that Fabian Prewett will be in charge of your training personally. That's good: at least you'll have a friendly face."

It was easy to stay busy during the time Kingsley was home. Gideon had arranged to keep his schedule as clear as possible to spend time with him. In the end, he just buried himself with work. There was a new reserve for the Arrows that needed additional training, there were always more missions than the Aurors could handle, and with most of the students gone home, he spent some time in the Hogwarts library trying to research the creatures he and Fabian had been running into lately.

Even though Fabian and Gideon had lived in flats for years, Christmas hadn't been the same this year without going home. Nor would New Year's. They turned down the opportunity to go to Molly's for the evening, instead going out with Lydia and a friend of hers. She had suggested that Renee was single and wouldn't mind seeing Gideon again, but he was unwilling to be around any woman he knew. Fabian tactfully suggested another friend and Lydia agreed, inviting her instead.

"You sure you're all right?" Fabian asked as the pub when Gideon wanted another drink.

"Yeah, I just want one more for luck."

"The way she's looking at you, I don't think you'll need much luck," Fabian said with a smirk.

Considering she's a bird and not who I really want, I'm afraid I will, Gideon thought.

Gideon was drunk enough to not remember the evening, or the first time he woke up in her arms the following morning at Fabian's place. Mumbling, "Good morning, Imp," he kissed the woman next to him, reaching down to fondle her lower stomach, right where a cock would be if she had been male.

He woke two hours later to find a cup of tea on the nightstand beside him.

"Thank you," he said, smiling at her.

"I wasn't quite sure last night, but you're a Quidditch player, aren't you?"

Gideon closed his eyes, nodding at her, expecting the typical line about how attractive he was, or how much money he made, or…

"Well, Gideon Prewett, if you ever need another casual date, I'd be happy to oblige."

Startled, he opened his eyes to look at her, she was a pretty, young witch with long black hair and reminded him of the girl he dated his sixth year in many ways. "I…"

"You don't have to tell me," she said, "I had my heart broken not too long ago, and needless to say the bastard is an avid Quidditch fan. I'm content with the occasional date where the gossip columnists might see us."

With a grin, Gideon said, "I can arrange that, if you like."

She leaned over to kiss his cheek, hand trailing down his bare chest, "I enjoyed last night, I hope you did as well."

Nodding, he hoped he did as well. Gideon would have to make sure he was sober the next time he saw her. She left and Gideon smiled to himself, wondering how he got so lucky sometimes. It was an impersonal exchange of favors, and damn it, he would take her up on that again.

For some reason, Fabian Prewett and friendly face didn't go together. Kingsley thought briefly that maybe he should consider a career as a Healer. He hadn't thought about the fact that Fabian would be his mentor and that, worse than that, he would probably have to see Gideon again. The brothers sometimes trained the new Aurors in dueling, he remembered that.

He shrugged. So he would see Gideon again, so what? All he had to do was to be polite and professional. It was obvious that Gideon didn't care about being his friend.

He pasted on a smile and challenged his grandfather to a chess game. It was New Year's Eve, after all, and he wouldn't let Gideon - and Fabian - Prewett spoil it for him.


Santini went dancing with Chambers and Nigel. They insisted that Kingsley should go with them, but he pointed out to them he'd promised his mother he'd not shag blokes. Nigel told him he could just go dancing, but was defeated by the incredulous stare the three Shacklebolts gave him.

He went back to The Wand and the Cauldron with the twins. This time he sat down next to Sally and talked to her civilly. When she moved closer to him, he put his arm around her shoulders.

After the pub closed, Kingsley walked Sally to her doorstep and gave her a good-night kiss. She told him she'd see him in the Hogwarts Express in a few days. He nodded.

As he was getting ready to Apparate home, he realized he'd not even tried to get her to sleep with him. He ascribed that to being older and more mature. There would be time for that.

Right before he fell asleep, he wondered why she had, all of a sudden, become more attractive since Christmas Eve. His eyes closing, he realized it was because her red hair, which had been tied up in a ponytail on the 24th , was loose and cascading down her shoulders on the 31st.

It was lovely hair.


santini, chambers

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