Firefighter sid

Jul 06, 2008 05:57

Hello live journal

I put out a fire at timmies THATS RIGHT a fULL BLOWN Fire! i grabbed the nearest fire extinguisher and put that fucker out! if you want the wole story just ask me and i'll tell it to you,

Plus i'm getting paid on monday and i have tuesday wenesday off, so i figure i might go to vic and pickup MY BOOTS! yes my TUK boots the almost knee high boots with the buckles and everything! fuck they are awesome hahahaha

tired, so tired, depression encroching, i hate it i'm fixating again, this time on my boots but the fact that i fixate is worrysome, well its allright i'll just get high on something and that'll put paid to my depression for a while, don't worry its not drugs i'll just find something positive to fixate on...

life is allright right now, the folks have gotten a sucessful moose draw this year so i'm going to go with them that is what i plan to do.

i'm sidney

timmie hoe's, fire, things, cheer

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