Survey thing from Lucius

Aug 19, 2005 23:05

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet once_an_auror? He interrogated me after my parents' death.
2.~What would you do if you had never met prof_dumblydore? Be a hell of a lot happier.
3.~What do you honestly think of lilygryffin14? She's a stuck up Gryffindor bitch.
4.~Would or did gildedboy and emm__vance go out? No. Well, maybe. She's not prettier than him, so he wouldn't have a problem.
5.~Have you ever liked purebloodmuggle? No way in hell..
6.~If hufflepoof_cm died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? That I... do... love him. Like a brother, even though we're cousins. And I'm sorry about the one time that I made you pretend you were the family dog cause I didn't want anyone to know we were related.
7.~Would green_meadowes and purebloodmuggle make a good couple? Sure, whatever. Don't care.
8.~Describe reguluslblack in 3 words: Missing. In. Action.
9.~Do you think lil_lord_luc is hot? ...Yes. (He'd kick me in the balls if I answered otherwise)
10.~Would hufflepoof_cm and cissa_melusine make a lovely couple? No way. Hands off my cousin, bitch!
11.~What do you think of when you see emm__vance? I feel like vomiting.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about purebloodmuggle: He's got a huge boner for Riddle. But everyone knows that.
13.~Do you know any of young_mr_snape's family members? Sure. Me, Lucius, all the other Slytherins. We're family.
14.~What's purebloodmuggle's favorite color? Probably whatever Riddle's favorite color is.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is nurse_p_pomfrey? 0. Sorry. Old women don't do it for me.
16.~What would you do if allmylimbs just professed their undying love for you? Wonder what he was smoking and if I could have some.
17.~What language does gildedboy speak? Fag.
18.~Who is purebloodmuggle going out with? Prewett. But he'd prefer Riddle.
19.~Is purebloodmuggle a boy or a girl? Once I rip out his balls he'll be female.
20.~Would mama_molly and allmylimbs make a good couple? Right. Sure. They both like smelly animals. He's got his hippogryffs and she's got Weasley.
21.~Who do you think auror_marly would be great with from this list? Auror Moody
22.~When was the last time you talked to lil_lord_luc? Just a second ago when he was giving me head.
23.~What is purebloodmuggle's favorite band? Whatever Riddle likes, I'm sure.
24.~Does green_meadowes have any siblings? Don't know, don't care.
25.~Would you ever date young_mr_snape? Nope. Sorry Severus. Love ya like a brother.
26.~Would you ever date reguluslblack? No way.
27.~Is auror_marly single? Don't know, don't care. She's probably got a thing for Moody though
28.~What is purebloodmuggle's last name? Wussley.
29.~What is mama_molly's middle name? Insane. Because anyone dating Weasley would have to be.
30~What is lilygryffin14's fantasy? Probably involves Potter and lime green jelly.
31.~Where does purebloodmuggle live? In Riddle's bedroom.
32.~Would you make out with once_an_auror? Nope. Old men don't do it for me, either.
33.~Are prof_dumblydore and young_mr_snape best friends? Hell no.
34.~Does reguluslblack like purebloodmuggle? Doubtful.
35.~How did you meet mama_molly? On the train I guess.
36.~Is lil_lord_luc older than you? Nope. Few months younger, I think.
37.~Is cissa_melusine the sexiest person alive? Nope. That would be Lucius.
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