[3rd Key to Victory] Stereotypical hero lines

Nov 14, 2008 06:14

I see now. I'm sorry everyone.

Everyone, don't give up. OZ may have gotten away, but extra assure yourselves that you can defeat them the next time. Their inhumanity is the key to growing that fist you want to break through that power they boast. and I don't want hear anyone saying that you're trying or 'what you think we've been doing all along Guy?'. 150% Morale counts.

ALSO! The people of the colonies, no, the people of the colonies and the Earth, in who OZ endangers, feel their strength! Feel knowing that they are depending on you to protect them, and feel knowing that those who intentionally shake their peace deserve to face the ruthless consequences of doing so. And in conclusion, they will be defeated.

Gundam pilots, EDF, you always have my earnest support. and sorry for passing out.

jin hayato, 熱い, hero prayer, mission

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