Only four weeks late...
Same letter grades as
last time (B+ = 65-69%, A- = 70-74%, ...) but the department is changing over to publishing numerical grades for transcripts. The Lent marks were from two technical reports for the practicals and a pass/fail reading club.
The Module 2B assessment was a 4000 word report on constructing a question answering system - feed it a question ("How far is Yaroslavl from Moscow?") and get an answer ("In Yaroslavl , 150 miles northeast of Moscow , authorities imposed [...]") from a large collection of news reports. I spent a reasonable time on this, maybe 25 hours in total.
The Module 2A assessment was a 6000-7000 word report on a) a speech recogniser, b) a broadcast news transcription system and c) possible improvements to this. This took a ridiculous amout of time - more than 100 hours - and monopolised most of my time last term, despite both being worth the same number of marks as 2B.
Module 2L was the Language reading club which I turned up to and gave a presentation. One tick for each, and not exactly difficult.
I'd screwed up 2B by doing the wrong thing - I was supposed to match RMS structures, but I did a shallow retrieval method instead - and was hoping to scrape a few marks. I'd guessed 50% for 2B and 70% for 2A, and only needed a total of 50 marks to pass the entire course after the exam results - the pass mark is 55%.
Module 2A
Report: A-
Module 2B
Report: A+
Module 2L
Reading Club: Pass
So that's nice... bit of a shock about the 2A/2B switch, though. Can't really complain, as it's all first-class standard. I guess that'll bode well for a PhD if I feel like coming back at some point.
In addition, the numerical marks for both terms are
Module 1A 85.0 marks (64/80 in exam, 60/80 predicted)
Module 1B 85.9 marks (65/80 in exam, 65/80 predicted)
Module 2A 73.0 marks
Module 2B 83.0 marks
The pass mark for the course is 220/400, and I've 327/400. Shiny!