Q1 - Data Structures and Algorithms
No clue here. Kinda glad that Martin Richards doesn't control another 5% of my marks, though.
Q2 - Computer Design - (19 marks)
Caches. Why are the needed? What's a cache line? What's a page? What's a snoopy cache? (One that does bus snooping, I assume...) and a simple probability exercise. Pwn3d.
Q3 - Digital Communication I
Flow control. Couldn't think of enough points to get the marks.
Q4 - Concurrent Systems and Applications - (19 marks)
Transactions, OCC and write-ahead logs/checkpoints. Stuff I know. Yay!
Q5 - Compiler Construction
Binding, mutual recursion, calling conventions, storage layout for Java objects. Could have done a reasonable (>12 marks) answer, but other questions seemed more sensible.
Q6 - Computer Graphics and Image Processing - (18 marks)
Twelve marks for talking about lighting (which I inserted BDRFs and Radiosity into) and then half a page of waffle about z-buffers and ray-tracing ending with "apples and oranges, innit, mate?" or something to that effect.
Q7 - Comparative Programming Languages
Waffle about strongly/weakly typed languages.
Q8 - Databases - (15 marks)
OLAP / OLTP, write some SQL, ACID properties. Did fairly good answers but they were fuzzy in places.
Q9 - Logic and Proof - (16 marks)
BDDs, DPLL and Tableau calculus. All went great up to the point that I wrote "Tableau calculus is a refutation method so we must negate the formula" and then didn't negate it...
Q10 - Foundations of Functional Programming
Combinators. Couldn't remember the rules well enough.
Q11 - Semantics of Programming Languages
Subsumption, record subtyping. Just no.
Q12 - Complexity Theory
Fairly easy short-answer question. Lots of "justify this" and "explain that", so was probably a gift to someone.
Total estimate: 87 marks (range: 85-92)
Summary: KoW 1 - Exam 0