[private; somewhat hackable]
There are things that need to be sorted out as soon as possible.
That guy wearing a mask... "Mickey" was what they called him? Whatever, I don't really care for his name. Still, I see no reason why I would be discussing... such things with him. I wonder... Does he really know En?
... See your own limits, huh?
And those two morons... No idea who they were, but I can't help the feeling there was some sort of... alliance between us.
... While Nichrom's reason for wanting to kill me is fairly obvious, I don't see why the others would like to see me dead as well. And the name they mentioned... Could it be...
Speaking of my death... The thought I could die multiple times is simply ridiculous. And yet, Lyserg appears to be sure his theory is correct...
Tch. There's no use dwelling on that until I remember something else about the situation.
Knowing this place, things won't stay normal quiet for a long time. The calm before the storm, one could say.