I made a meme!

Aug 25, 2024 19:25

I'd seen a lot of those Drake memes and thought 'is there some super easy Drake meme generator that makes them all?' One google search later, 'yes there is.'

So here it is. Be kind. It's my first ever meme.

As far as I'm concerned I'll wear a mask if I am sick, am around sick people or in a place with people especially vulnerable to sickness, but other than that, nah, I've had enough of masks. But while masks were a temporary measure against Covid 19 in much of the world, in Korea a huge number of people still wear them for their day to day. Which if you want to wear them in the classroom, office etc then I really don't think it's necessary anymore but whatever, you do you.
But I can't help but find it sad when I see old folk walking out alone in the park or on the hiking trail but who still see the need to cover their faces, especially on a blazing hot and humid day when it can't be comfortable. Like I just want to say to them 'just take a deep breath and enjoy the fresh air, stop being scared, it's OK just to breath outside now!'

But you know what I am against in order to stop the spread of infections? Coming into work and school when you're spluttering with a deep explosive cough every ten seconds that sounds clearly infectious to everyone else in the room! Sadly there is a culture in Korea that being sick is no excuse to skip work or school. I have to admit to being guilty of adopting this at times, and just putting on a mask and powering (or spluttering) through the day. And I've had several students where I just had to say "I don't know why this kid's mum thought they were remotely well enough for school. How can they learn anything when they're hacking up their lungs every few seconds?" Last Friday I had a particularly egregious example of a boy who sounded more like he was in need of a hospital visit than an English lesson. I messaged downstairs and he was sent home within the first five minutes. Thankfully I don't appear to have caught whatever it was he had come down with.
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