Summer Holiday

Aug 04, 2024 19:04

My school has given us that rarest of things in Korea, a full week off work.
Some of students and colleagues were heading to Seoul or Jeju for the break, or overseas to Japan, Vietnam or Thailand.
My niece and nephew are up in Pyeongtaek to stay with their dad. We put them on the train on Tuesday (it was their first time taking a train on their own) and they'll be back some time next week.
As for my wife and I, we just stayed in Busan. I haven't done anything particuarly notable with my time, just gym, hiking, movies, clothes shopping, journal writing, an art exhibition and cafes. But it all beats working for sure. Thursday evening I got a few people together for Metal Pub. Last night my wife, her cousin and I took a rare evening out together to HQ Bar. The bands were good, my friends were there, and after we took a walk along a beach cloaked in mist.

I discovered one of my friends used to be in the Hong Kong based band 'Noughts and Exes'. He shared this beautiful video of where they did a flash mob performance in Times Square.

image Click to view

The band also feature in the movie 'Already tomorrow in Hong Kong'. I always wanted to visit Hong Kong, but after watching the movie I want to visit the city even more.

We're in peak summer; sticky humid heat and blazing sunshine interspered with the occasional thunderstorm. It's uncomfortable weather for travelling to work in, but glorious for a hike if you avoid the worst of the midday heat. The sky is bright blue and the forest a vivid green. Birds and cicadas are chirping away and there's often the sound of streams trickling their way down the mountainside. When in the midst of nature I just wish i could switch my brain off, ignore all my inner monolgues on my past or future or musing on something I saw on social media and instead be purely in the moment.

I recently discovered my phone does panoramic shots, and have been playing around with that.

I like to take a walk through PNU (Pukyong National University) on my way to the gym. I caught a heron gobbling down an unfortunate goldfish.

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