so i finaly made it home around 4:30 in the morning. and then ummmm i think i went to sleep. and then ummm i awoke around 7:30 then again around 8:10..... and that's the last thing i remember. for some reason i'm feeling stuffy-headed.
the other night my hubcap flew off. i was on a turn-pike so it hit the wall and went somewhere... i really don't care where. so this morning, my dad asks about it and i say it fles off and it's been weak ever since my mom hit a curb with it and i was planning on buying a new one and he's all like, "why waits your money on stupid things like that?" the sad part was that he is serious. the only thing he wants me to do, is to take the remainders off of it. sigh.
i'm concidering updating
norchive somethime in the near future... maybe durring passover.
a little coffee and i'll b fine! :)
i miss list night. i kinda want to do that again, but i'm not sure if that's a good idea. OH SHIT! i should figure out when i'm working tonight, shouldn't i?
so last night i was able to borrow a friends game of risk, but for whatever reason we stopped playing after one game of regular risk... i wanna play again!!!! :(
i'm going now to have breakfest and so coffee to be awake enough to play magic today.