Okay now I'm confused

May 22, 2005 21:34

Just checked my horoscope (no I dont really believe in them but hey thier cool sometimes give an idea that there IS a plan for each of us and there is an order to things...........mostly though its just baws) It said and I quote "that the moon is in the right place to give you the power to say what you need to say, this is your time, go get what you want and God help those that get in your way" (internally I added a "Kick some ass Dan nevans".) To this is I started thinking "well what do I want? what or who is that thing in this life that I need, who or what would I fight for?.....I know think that its just telling me to work for my exams but I always feel theres somthing behind it. If I do have this power just now then yay, if not well if I cant decide on what I really want then mabey I shouldent get it after all.

I got told 8 times yesterday that I had grown into a very handsome boy, with my hair back I look totaly diffrent and its good. I think this is baws, I hate the way I look, I've learned to go without looks, thats what gives me my wit and charm (hahahaha wit and charm fat cunt doesnt know what he's talking about). Many of you by now will be sick of my constant self bashing but hey fuck it atleast I'm honest about how I look. I'm confident in my abilities and my sense of self can overpower some people and make them think I'm loud rude and ignorant, (okay I'm loud and rude but I'm not ignorant) to these people I say Fuck you, this is Dan Nevans your talking to, not some cornfed public schoolboy with a straw hat and a bowl cut. I'm a champion born, bred and gearing up to kick your motherfucking ass.

Screw this being sorry for myself crap, I might be a big, hairy, uncooth, ugly, cunt but hey I can kick some ass when provoked. I was like 2mm close to ripping this wee fanny's head off on saturday. He used to be in the band and he was standing there grinning away like a fucktard talking about how good his new band is. I was like "hey we might not be the best, but we're alot fucking better without you ya cock, did you get a nice listen from your spot outside the competion ring?, Aye well atleast I played today ya dick" and walked away.

Ah thats better, you may question the point of this post but I''m pissed off and I'm studying so just look sharp, shoot straight and listen up.

Dan (whit you looking at a baldy dog rapist) Nevans
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