May 06, 2005 11:21
I GOT THE FUCKIN JOB YA I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT IT well its only a crappy golf course job, but I GOT THE FUCKIN JOB!!!!!!!
all right i looked my user name up on yahoo and got only like 2 things for me the others are what some other dude has, god damnit i need to come up with a new original name now YOU MUST HELP ME FGURE ONE OUT!!!!!!!!!! youll be paid potatos that i stole from ireland
alright ive found some and here they are but you still gotta help
1)Raw mongoose
2)Habitual Salsa
3)Glorious Nipple
4)Digital salsa
5)Mangled yak
6)Demonic sauce
7)Proto Jelly