questionable ruling

Jan 10, 2006 19:34

I don't know if I agree with the judge's ruling on this. Of course, the article was short so the full circumstances are not known at this time.  Some people wear crucifixes, some people wear ten inch knives as a symbol of their faith.  Whatever.  I would like to believe that there is no direct intent of this individual or others of his faith to use it inappropriately; however, another other person may gain access to it may or a freak accident would happen.  Some people are just plain nervous around such massive instruments.  In any case, people should not be wearing a ten-inch knife on campus, no matter who you are.

Judge: Arrest Unnecessary For Student With Knife
Wayne State Student Carries Kirpan For Religious Beliefs

DETROIT -- A Detroit judge said Wayne State University police should not have arrested a student for carrying a knife. The knives are part of his Sikh religious beliefs.



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