Maybe Someday

May 11, 2009 20:53

"Anyway, now...I'm pretty steamed, right?  I mean, Bob Dylan being less of an icon than Bruce Springsteen?  Everybody knows that Dylan is one of the last true American poets."  Freddy Freeman gets more wound up with each word, before stopping to sip on his egg cream.

"He's not hearing anything like it.  What does he know, anyway?  He's a clone.  Only culture he got is what somebody fed into his brain with a Flash drive or something."

Sitting back and looking at the Fawcett City skyline, he stops.  "Everybody of course agrees with  him though.  He's the next Superman.  Doesn't matter that he's wrong about most everything that matters."

"One of these days though...they'll see.  We'll matter just as much, if not more."  Taking the lid off of the cup, he takes a longer pull, before offering it to the person next to him.   "Does that make sense?  I I just complaining about nothing?"
