(no subject)

Feb 22, 2007 13:40

"The important thing is to strive towards a goal which is not immediately visible. That goal is not the concern of the mind, but of the spirit." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

yeah i'm still alive, miraculously
well what can I say? havent posted in a while, mainly i've been writting aside to myself, not journal wise, but mostly weird ass stuff that I keep in papers now. I guess I've been writting cuz i've been trying to just set some time to myself. College and Work Just keeps on contributing to the hassle, i'm hanging in there, but its been tough lately, not emotionally exhausting, mainly just exhausted in general. Taking fiv classes and working on the weekend isnt the best thing you want to do for yourself heh, but eyy as long as I save up for something I know that money will come in handy, even though I've been tempted to spend that money on things that could bring instant reward heh. Currently here at school, just waiting for the time to go by, i'm looking over the computer and seeing all these people asleep at the couches, and its tempting me to go join them, cuz my sleep has been shit lately too. on the good side though, I finally have a car so yeah that makes up for a lot, driving around is awesome... Just without a Liscense though haha, so I better get working on that too. Havent been catching up with a lot of friends either, its been bad, best thing that can happen is just someone to call me up, cuz I hardly ever call anybody, so feel free heh. well so its almost time for me to back to class, but eyy its my last class of the day, so yeahh i'm glad this week is done for now, tomorrow probably have to get up early and head off to work arr, but eyy its all good... for now.
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