Not gloating, but marveling

Nov 03, 2004 11:36

For some good commentary on the 2004 election, read this article on National Review Online.

I am amazed at the overall turnout. According to CNN, there were over 114 million votes cast yesterday. That is about 14 million more votes than in 2000. This was supposed to be good news for the Democrats and bad news for the Republicans, since for the last eight weeks, all I kept hearing was about the Democrat "Get Out The Vote" (GOTV) drives and how democrat-friendly 527 groups like MoveOn.Org were mobilizing an army of volunteers to swarm to the voting booths on Tuesday and put Kerry over the top.

It looks like the Republican GOTV drive was as effective (if not more so) and was done under the radar. Not a peep was really heard about it in the mainstream press or the alternative press. This was the President's "November Surprise". Bush won the popular vote by 3.5 million votes!

The "Real America" (rural and suburban people with an abiding faith in God and country) showed up on Tuesday and affirmed the conservative agenda. That really should put a stop to the typical lies that have been flying around since 2000. Statements like "If every vote is counted, the Democrats will win." look completely ridiculous now.

Clearly, if every vote is counted, the family wins, the country wins, and the pro-abortion globalist United Nations loving crowd huddled on the coast-lying states lose.

Congratulations to Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie are in order!

With a 55-45 majority in the senate (technically, it's 55-44-1, but Jeffords always votes with the Dems), the GOP ought to be able to really get some work done over the next four years. As I see it, their top priorities ought to be:
  • Pacify and stabilize Iraq, planting the second seed of democracy in the Middle East.
  • More Tax cuts. Make the current batch permanent. Abolish the IRS, replacing it with a flat tax system (economic models show that this would increase Federal revenue while reducing the regulatory burden on the entire economy).
  • Federal court appointments. Bush needs to appoint solid Constitutional Constructionist judges to the Federal bench at all levels, including the Supreme Court. Some good minority GOP stars come to mind, continuing the tradition of high-level minority appoinments made by Republicans.
  • Federal energy policy. Bush ought to push alternative energy as well as drilling in ANWR, getting the United States to be more energy-sufficient.
That's all I can think of for now.

It's a great day for the country.

King Krull Out
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