(no subject)

Sep 27, 2008 23:17


-General Cross: Cross was an exceptionally abusive man who treated Allen like a slave rather then an apprentice. Allen learned very little about what it meant to be an Exorcist and left him to learn to control his power on his own. He didn't learn what Innocence and akuma actually were until he reached the Order.

He cared little weather the boy lived or died and the only reason he didn't let him die was because he knew the Fourteenth was stirring inside of him. He knew the Order wasn't going to treat Allen like a human being when he got there, so he felt it was his 'duty' to get the boy used to being considered less then nothing. Needless to say he was more then happy to do it.

-Scars: The scars around his eye don't look completely healed. They aren't open wounds but they don't look five years old and tend to get red and raw looking every time he uses his eye. He is also blind in is cursed eye, when it's not in use it's milky white.

There is a scar across the bridge of his nose, and another sliced down across the left side of his mouth that he worries when he's nervous. Whip scars cut across his back from the time he was made to physically work off Cross' debt to merchants he borrowed money from in China.

-Whispering: When Allen was ten years old, Cross had him run shipments of opium across London before they left the country the first time. One of the groups they dealt with claimed Cross had cheated them and demanded compensation. As always, he sent Allen back to try and smooth things over. Unfortunately, they didn't want to deal with Allen so they slit his throat to 'punish' Cross. It was by sheer miracle that Allen survived at all, and Cross made sure to blame him for the whole thing. He was forced up and working again before he was really able, so his throat healed badly leaving a thick ugly scar. He was unable to speak at all for almost two years, and the voice he did manage to get back is barely above a whisper.

-Mary: Cross tended to frequent Madam Jeffries' fine establishments when ever they were in Europe. While Cross adored beautiful, talented women, there were others who were after something much younger. The Madam catered to all kinds, and kept children for the sole purpose of selling their virginity. Allen met a young girl there, no older then he, who was being sold off right before his eyes.

Madam Jefferies catered to nobility and the upper class, so her price was very high, but Allen fought to save her from it. He willing to pay whatever he had too, no matter what Cross put him through later. He was sick and tired of being in these places and listening to children screaming. Unfortunately, there was little that Allen could really do to save her past his time with her.

The girl's name was Mary, and she had curly brown hair and big brown eyes. She was so scared, from a poor family who sold her to be able to survive. Allen spent a long time just talking to her, making her laugh and trying to calm her down. He thought she was so sweet and pretty, and it killed him to think of her fate.

She realized that they were both the same, both trapped in a life of slavery they couln't be free from the way they were now. Late into the night, she asked him to actually be her first, because he honestly cared about her and wasn't just using her, someone who didn't want to hear her scream in pain.

It took some soul searching on his part, because this was not at all what he intended when he paid for her. In the end he accepted because it was something she wanted to give him, rather something he was going to take from her. Allen promised her that once he was free from his Master he would come and find her.

Cross found them in the morning and he laughed his ass off because sweet little Allen 'partook in virgin's blood" then got all protective over a whore, and was tormented from then on with foul comments about the 'Virgin Mary." Allen was severely punished, and it's the one punishment that he doesn't ever speak of.

Allen did go back to find her as he had promised. He had intended to bring her with him to the Order, but when he'd finally found his way back he learned that Mary been killed not even a month earlier by one of Madam Jefferies' more violent customers. He couldn't visit her grave because no one knew were it was. Dead whores tend to be buried in unmarked prison cemeteries.

The piece of his heart that had carried her memory broke, and he turned and left without a word.

Random Facts

-His closest friend turned out to be Aleistar Crowley, who gave him the nickname "Ghost" due to is pale skin, hair, and eyes.

-Allen is actually very good a picking up and learning different languages and can speak a number of them quite well, but he's never learned how to read.

-He has a deck of thin metal, razor-bladed playing cards he won in a poker game with a mafia boss.

-Cross, while drunk,  attempted to sell Allen for a night, but the frightening look of his arm saved him.

-Not only is he a talented cardshark and counter, he is also an accomplished pick pocket.

-Even in it's deactivated state, Allen's left hand has claws.

-Can actually digest things like chicken bones and crab shells.


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