Apr 03, 2014 15:30
It's 83 degrees in here it feels like death... or it was 85 I forget either way its so hot that I sweated on every thing and now the bed is wet ;^;.. I can't focus on any thing when its like this. At least all of the animals have gotten fresh water so they won't get too hot.
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Happy spring pic.twitter.com/EQ9EXeRLRI
- Mazz (@Tornfeathers) April 3, 2014
This is what I woke up too.
I do know that when I was a lil babe, that um there was an ice storm here soooo bad that it killed the power for several days. My parents had several fire places in my childhood home so that's how we stayed warm. I only remember a second time when I was a kid that something similar happened. Ever since then we've never really had any thing bad regarding snow weather. Just crazy temperature fluctuations this year. Like 75 degrees in February ?
I luckily lived less than a 1/4 mile from school so I just fucking walked home through it.
Snow covered the cars, we ran over them like they were hills. The drifts were so high we could climb them and get onto the local elementary school that was out back behind my house.
We haven't gotten a Blizzard that big since, the next biggest was when Angel was born. Though she got 3 snow days this year which were mostly due to the temps being in the negatives. She went today because it was still above 25.
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