I think the crickets are F*ckin.....

Jul 23, 2006 17:30

So, I've just been kinda chilling since i got home this morning from Barry's. When I came home my new pet was here. A Leopard Gecko. Rock On! It came with everything, from a tank to live food. I set that up. Crickets are kinda soothing. CHEERP CHEERP! He still needs a name. Any suggestions...

In other news the owner of Out Of The Woods wants to open a resturant. My friend Tony P. was offered to be GM(General Manager). He called me and told me this, and asked if I would like to be a MOD(Manager). I said yes... I would be roughly making about $30K a year. I'm 20 right now. I don't know many people my age making that much. So I'm going to tough it out at Shaw's fr a little while until things get rolling. I'm in quite good spirts now. I'm sorry to all of you who had to deal with me being a total asshole.

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