So I think I'm nearly back to normal after my frightful weekend.
It's amazing the things that go through my mind when I'm zonked out on pain and drifting in and out of consciousness- at one point I got a stern talking-to from an hallucinatory electric toilet bowl with a female voice and Japanese accent (it was very high-tech). She (it?) let me know that it was "not yet over", that I had more trials to go through (i.e. more hideously painful vomiting), and she was right. Very strange.
I couldn't concentrate on anything- I watched the opening of Bubble Boy, and, though I found it very amusing (love that Swoozie!), I had to turn it off. Dorothy Parker couldn't hold my attention (so you know how bad I was). I eventually got out my book of B.C. Comix, which kept my brain occupied while not taxing it too terribly much. Even The Sims were hard to deal with.
Most of Friday night I just lay around moaning, either in bed or on the couch.
Saturday morning I woke up at 5 AM, still feeling queasy, but, I thought, okay to go out. Which was good, since it was Kat's Actor's Studio audition.
Her audition was at 11:20, so, fearing slow buses, I left home at 10. I got to NYC at 10:30, and since the AS is on 44th st, I was there in a matter of minutes. It was entirely locked up. It was raining.
The bus ride had made me a little nauseated again, so I went to a nearby deli and bought some chammomile tea and a thing of crackers.
When I got back, there was a nice lady opening the doors, who said they weren't quite ready yet, but since it was raining I could come in. I came in, and sat down in a back room, and had my tea.
I listened to the people running the auditions discussing what to get the judges to eat- usually so-and-so did the ordering, but he wasn't there today, so they sent someone else out for "you know, little nibbly bits".
I saw two people who were preparing for their audition- I inferred they were doing the "fuckpig" scene from Pinter's One For the Road, which I did in college, so that was nice. I think she was well-suited to play Gila, and they seemed to think it went well afterward (I didn't actually speak to them, I just sipped my tea and listened).
A big (6-foot-something, stocky) hot man came in and stripped to his boxers, since that was his costume- pantless. Love that.
It was getting near 11:20, and Kat hadn't yet arrived, so I went up to the desk to see if there was anything I could do... Kat had asked me to prepare a diagram of where we'd like the furniture placed, and I had it with me. They gave me a sheet to re-draw it on, which was great. I then found out that Kat's audition was actually at 11:40, so I relaxed a bit and went and sat down again.
Kat arrived, and we were put into a back room where I changed into my fubu pyjama pants, and put on my earrings. We ran the lines once, then they came to get us.
We walked up some stairs with a lovely face-lifted woman who exhorted us to "just have fun" as we were going in.
We wandered into a cavernous space, which had our chairs slighly angled toward each other instead of straight ahead, so I had to fix that. I dumped out my bag of makeup onto the table, and we began. I could barely see the judges- I got the impression of a white beard from one. I heard a chuckle at one point.
I think it went well.
When I went to take off my makeup afterward, I was gorgeous, so clearly I've become adept at putting on drag makeup sans reflection.
When Kat and I were walking to our separate transportations, she mentioned that she wasn't really sure what the Actor's Studio is. No one else I know is really clear on that, either. I know it used to be a school for actors. I think it may still be one. I assumed that's what Kat was auditioning for, but she (and Keith) seems to be under the impression that it's mainly a theatre for readings of new works.
Carlos was joking that it would be really horrible if, after Kat's audition, they decided they didn't want Kat, but did want me. He said I could be the
Leroy of the Actor's Studio.
When I got home on Saturday, I went right to bed and slept for hours. I was totally exhausted.
ceebeegee called around 4, to ask when I was coming over to talk about my plays, but I was too exhausted to move, and certainly way too exhausted to take a bus back into the city. We're hoping to get together sometime this week, but I don't know when it'll be, with Joseph rehearsals. Maybe Thursday, I think I have open. Tired. Must sleep.