“Film Noir” is a French term, meaning “Sexy Movie”.

May 26, 2009 10:47

...always said that was like peanuts.

Our antepenultimate performance of Ore, or Or is tonight at 8!! After that there's Friday at 6:30, then Saturday at 3:45.

Nytheater.com asked all the Planet Connections folks about their shows for previews. Here they are.
Suckers is listed under Politics/War, Diversity, Gay/Lesbian and Comedy/Parody/Satire.

Sunday afternoon was a great performance of Ore, or Or - had several playwrights in the house- Kyle, Marc, Daniel, and J. Stephen. All of them really liked it- Daniel especially thought it was great how I'd made a zen play out of New Yorkers.
J. Stephen came running up to me after the houselights came up and said, "I hate everything and I never talk to people after a show, but I really liked this play and wanted you to know." He also told me, before the play, that part of his religious journey right now includes him speaking a mantra that frequently repeats the word "or", so he's been thinking of my show as he's been praying.
jayspec was also there in support!

Patricia and Paul were there to see the other two shows, so I got to see them before Mare Cognitum started.

Went out with ceebeegee, jayspec, Liz, and E. Calvin to Cancun, where I had some delicious food (mmm, burritos) and they had margaritas. A nice time, though there was a brouhaha at the bar when someone was refusing to pay the bill. A gentleman came to our table and suggested we be wary, move our bags, and move the table a little closer to the wall just in case, since shit was about to go down. The police came to track down the guy, who tried to go out the back exit and was caught. He went quietly, so there were no fisticuffs after all, so that was good.
Saw that gentleman who warned us was wearing an IATSE shirt, and I asked if he was a stagehand, and he apparently is the electrical director for Shrek.

Headed back to the theater for a producer's meeting, which turned out to have been already taken care of. So I chatted with oldsilenus, who was working box office, and got a lot of stuff off my chest, and discovered some interesting things- glad to know we're on the same page about certain stuff.

Susan Rankus had planned to have a packing party at her place that night, but it turned out she got a lot of it done and then Caroline wanted to have a potluck, so Susan invited people over there instead. I was getting text messages from everyone. :)
So I texted Caroline to ask if Patricia and Paul had also been invited, and they had been (they live a block from Caroline, so that's not surprising), so I waited for them to get out of Squiggy and the Goldfish, thinking we could take the subway to Caroline's together. Nope- they had THEIR CAR, so we drove back to Queens. Awesome. Got to see Patricia and Paul's awesome place (they're planning a party soon), which has this in the living room, which ceebeegee will like especially:

Then we went to Caroline's where there was Susan and Amanda (who I haven't seen in ages and who has lost weight and has a mohawk and is kickass), and mollyx, and this girl Mira who I met at the Oscars party. They were in the middle of Role Models when we arrived- pretty good movie. I borrowed it from Caroline so I could watch the beginning (It has Joe Lo Truglio in it!).
Then we played some Catchphrase, which was fun. Then Charades. We all kicked some serious ass at Charades.
Stayed till very late, then Susan and I took the subway home.

Yesterday got a last-minute invitation to Chris and Akilah's Memorial Day Faux-B-Q (Chris cooked inside, but we enjoyed the ribs outside in their apartment building's back atrium). Very nice and relaxing.
Was telling a story about how Tony refers to Sam as "the guy with the balls on his face" from my one-act (which starred Chris' balls), and how I'd texted Tony "guy with balls on his face is playing Harold Hill"- and it turns out that Akilah knows another guy in the cast of that Music Man, who I'd thought was hot, and who'd apparently hooked up with her friend Greg at her last party. Is a very small world, no?
The ribs Chris cooked were amazing- there was beer and whiskey involved in the recipe. Akilah made German potato salad. mollyx, jayspec and Benjamin came by (and were adorable):

And Greg showed up, and it was fun. Had to leave early to get to the theater for my reading.

Reading of Six Silences in Three Movements was sparsely attended (as might be expected on Memorial Day), but a good show. Nina did a great job directing. Good acting, nice laughs. oldsilenus especially laughed at one vaguely recondite pun, which made me happy.
Nina got her friend Matt to play music live on guitar during the show, which was kickass. Matt was also a very big fan of the script.
Norah brought up how interesting it was that both the Arts in Action events that related to me were scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend. I'm sure that's just a coincidence and not sabotage.
There's photos from the reading up on the Facebook, and they'll be on Flickr soon. I do especially like this one of the last moment of the show:

Then hit Marie's Crisis for a bit- Jim Allen was playing from 7:30 on. I stayed for an hour or two, but then someone requested "If I Loved You" after we'd already heard it, so I had to go. And those blossoms falling down; I guess it was just their time.

readings, totseb, ore or or, musicals, marie's crisis, movies, suckers, food, parties, overheard, pictures, games

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