Friday went to hear The Icky House Club Band. They rocked The Cell. The opening band, not so much. The drummer was fun to watch, but I had to eventually fake a phone call and get out of there. Ryan was there, and Ethan with his new partner, Tony. Brad from Oberon, too. It was a nice night once The Ickies got up to play.
Patricia had been working the door, and Chris Cariker walked by as she was doing so- he'd just finished his last performance of Hamlet: The Time is Out of Joint, and invited us over after the concert. So,
mollyx, Patricia and I went over to his place (just a couple of blocks from The Cell), and had some drinks and watched some of his fight choreography from the Hamlet video and played with his cat Hooker.
Really like The Cell, though I have no idea what I could perform of mine, there. POSSIBLY my Big Gay Farce, if I ever write act II...
Saturday met up with Small-Eyed Bear People to look at the stage for the
Rep Merger, then off to a meeting- was there for a half an hour, then headed to Glory's for her networking potluck. Not a lot of people there, her friend Shaniqua and her husband Janis, Renée, and just before I left, Caroline. My spiNACH dip was a hit.
carasol for the 3rd play of
The Norman Conquests, which was hilarious and awesome. Now I want to see the other two plays, even if it means I'll be seeing them in the "wrong" order.
Saw Billy Mitchell at the Duane Reade next door afterward. Like
carasol, he and his boyfriend had been there all day for all three shows.
Sunday headed out to Brooklyn for Randi and Dave's baby's 1st birthday. That was nice and fun and the food was delicious. Photos (and one video of Benjamin getting excited about kitty cats) to come.
I was sure there was something else I was supposed to do, but I was blanking on what it was, and totally missed
ladypeculiar's welcome back party. I suck. Was most likely too exhausted to have been any fun in any case.