The Bi-Curious Case of Benjamin's Butthole

Mar 19, 2009 09:43

OMG, Natasha Richardson died!!

Long day, though I did take a nap in the middle of it. My sleeping schedule lately is all cattywompus. My room is now full of boxen that I have to unpack and put in my closet. So glad to have all my stuff, though. Slept with my own actual blanket again. Good times.

Looked all over the place for a teapot for my show this weekend. No dice. No teapots, either. I stopped by the swanky "Inside Astoria" where they had a Japanese teapot, but not quite what I was looking for. Another place had a candle in the shape of a teapot. No.

Went to the Hold For the Laughs event. Met some nice folks.
Alex K. (who's been helping with the rep merger) was there, and was asking me about playwrighting. He read and liked Ore, or Or a lot. Didn't realize he has aspirations to be a playwright himself.
Erin from (re:)Directions was there- she asked me how I liked Watchmen, since I went to see it right after reviewing Figaro/Figaro.
Rebellious Subjects theatre was there- they do site-specific work- they're doing a dinner party show where it will be several short plays about various parts of a meal, all set around a table. Everyone who comes gets a 3-course meal, AND is cast in one of the plays. Sounds wild. They're still looking for playwrights. I said maybe I was interested (as if I don't have enough to do).
Comedy was funny. Bizarre (and awesome) sketch comedy from The Impending Moustache. Jared Logan (who I saw at the Naked Comedy- didn't recognize him with his clothes on, then I was like, "I've heard these jokes before..."). Brent Sullivan was hilarious.
Didn't win again. Booo.

In Playwrights Group, Ken is writing a play about Second Life. It's free, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It's semi-intriguing, like The Sims but with other people, though all I've done so far is change my costume and visit someone's museum of Disney photos. Trevor Quixote, if any of you are on.

Tara, my best friend in college (after whom Tara in Eternity:Time Without End is named and Tara in Ore, or Or is not) tracked my e-mail address down from my review of Rooftops. We may hang out at some point in the future. She's going by T now, as her stage name (which makes it difficult to Google her). She's living in Jersey City now.

Have been checking out the people who are doing the 21-hour play festival this time around- one of the actors is starkeee's friend Jere, and another is Danny from We Call Her Benny. Interesting.

Just found Straight-Jacket on imdb. The trailer looks hilarious.

Today, need to find towels & a teapot (checking thrift stores), then meeting for the rep project, then Drunken! Careening! Writers!, then rehearsal for the one-page plays. Then sleep.

deaths, playwriting, reviewing, new world school of the arts, standup comedy, sims

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