Feb 04, 2009 19:14
Wow- just had the craziest dream.
I was in a mall(?), and discovered there was a new Arthur Treacher's. I was really excited about it, so i went to get some fish and chips. Took a long time to order, since the counter-girl was, it seemed, deliberately misunderstanding me. Got my drink and my food coupons and sat down to await my order. There were some communal tables, and I sat down at one with a black family, but then noticed that there was gook on the bench, so I got up and moved to another table, fearful that they would think I was racist, when that was not at all the case.
So I sat at another table (which was somewhat more secluded, against the wall) which only had a handsome man and a sleeping hobo at it. I discovered that since this mall was in Times Square, they had characters from Disney's kid's Broadway shows coming through as a character meet-and-greet. Today it was obscure characters from The Little Mermaid II, including Ariel and Ursula's just-as-evil daughters (one of whom had an eyepatch).
Started talking to guy at my table, and he mentioned he was a novelist, and that one of his novels had been made into a movie that was just out. He mentioned the title, and I remembered seeing a preview for it, which made it look like a sappy romance about a marriage between two adults who never wanted to grow up. He told me the story (and I saw clips from it in my mind's eye, which included two adults dressed as bees kissing during a Hallowe'en party), which was somewhat more complicated (about an open bisexual marriage), all the while whispering in my ear. I whispered back a couple times, and then adorably bit his earlobe. He said, "You know, there's a guy like you in the story, too", and kissed me. I said, "Yeah, there usually is", and he unzipped my pants and started going down on me. Hobo opened his eyes and saw the guy's head bobbing up and down, and just shook his head and went back to sleep.
The upshot of which is that when I woke up I had an idea for attacking a play that I only wrote one scene of and got stymied. Could be awesome!