If you plan to put out... to sea

Sep 23, 2008 10:43

Bedbugs!!! The Musical review

Forgot to mention this whole Palin thing has made my look at my vampire play in a whole new light. Rewrite coming soon.

Went to the NYIT Awards last night, which were pretty cool. Met a whole bunch of people I admire.
Inspirational speech from Edward Albee which ended with "there is commercial theatre, and then there is the theatre that matters".
Lisa Kron was the host and was hilarious, especially showing off her headshot from when she was 18 and doing Summer Stock.
Hooray for wins for Fight Girl Battle World and Edward Elefterion for directing Nosferatu.

Might be an interesting idea for certain theater festivals to partner with them next year- the cutoff for the NYIT awards is 8 or more performances, and MITF only gives 6... I remember Spotlight On gave us 7 performances one year (for Eternity: Time Without End)...
Hmmm, thoughtful.

Reviewing Small Craft Warnings tonight.

reviews, eternity time without end, spotlight on, nymf, nyit, suckers, celebrities, plans

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