Hmmm, just got an E-mail from Marc Geller about his Fringe Show
The Fabulous Kane Sisters in Box Office Poison. And he included some reviews- one from, but not citing a critic's name... Didn't see it on our review page...
Did a Google search for a phrase from the review: "There is sex, mystery, and naked men."
Turns out it's
from the message boards. Ha!
Brian D'Arcy James as Shrek Preacher on the train this morning- a huge black man. Very loud. I'd neglected to bring a book or my headphones, so was forced to listen. Probably wouldn't have mattered anyway, since I heard him tell several people that they could turn their "walkmans" up as much as they wanted.
At one point he started going on about how he used to be a crackhead and then Jesus saved him, but he used to be obsessed with crack, but now he's obsessed with Jesus.
Uh, is that really the metaphor you want, there?