Writers' Strike is over! Thanks to
namfle for the link.
This, from Mr. Fish, via
Heard from Cref:
So update on 'Much Ado,' Kyle and I could not be more thrilled with a completely unexpected revamp of the last quarter of the script - many many thanks for your help. At the same time, the 78th theater lab was so lackadaisical in working with us for a March showcase that we've permuted it into a staged reading. We have good production support and we're definitely all committed to seeing the work with a full run, but as you can imagine, with us waiting on a Fringe submission we run the risk of double production jeopardy if we commit too soon. Does that make any sense? If anyone knows the deal, you my friend do.
This will be much more convenient for me.
Have been chatting with some boy named Shawn on Facebook the last couple of days. We don't seem to have much in common other than a passion for Tom Robbins. ...but considering
my horoscope this week, pretty odd.
Lucky man has never seen the terrible movie of Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.