Happy Birthday
Finished reading Fight Club. Liked it, but I found the movie more effective.
I did like the author's introduction a lot, though. I'm a big fan of authorial introductions, though I try to wait to read them till I've read the book, so I don't get biased. This time, though, it was the introduction that hooked me at the bookstore (and the hot redheaded stockboy, okay. Swoon).
Have a meeting with KNF about Thyme of the Season tonight. Just petty producer stuff. That's at 8, then I'm meeting Tony to see
a show for my
NYIT awards obligations at 10:30.
Had a lovely time at Marie's Crisis last night.
actress_in_nyc and
somecamerunning met and are now fake-boyfriend-and-girlfriend. I think they're going to fake-prom, if they haven't fake-broken-up already.
ceebeegee came by for the last hour or so of Jim Allen's shift- they did a lovely "If I Loved You" together.
somecamerunning's Sarah was there, in a special appearance from Jersey (where she recently moved with her boyfriend).
somecamerunning went off to smoke,
actress_in_nyc and I wrote notes to him on all his other cigarettes.
The rehearsal with Aldo didn't happen, so now we have to be at the show early on Saturday. Grump grump.