A Model of Decorum and Tranquility

Aug 17, 2007 07:37

Happy Birthday cschwartz!

Finished reading Fight Club. Liked it, but I found the movie more effective.
I did like the author's introduction a lot, though. I'm a big fan of authorial introductions, though I try to wait to read them till I've read the book, so I don't get biased. This time, though, it was the introduction that hooked me at the bookstore (and the hot redheaded stockboy, okay. Swoon).

Have a meeting with KNF about Thyme of the Season tonight. Just petty producer stuff. That's at 8, then I'm meeting Tony to see a show for my NYIT awards obligations at 10:30.

Had a lovely time at Marie's Crisis last night. actress_in_nyc and somecamerunning met and are now fake-boyfriend-and-girlfriend. I think they're going to fake-prom, if they haven't fake-broken-up already. ceebeegee came by for the last hour or so of Jim Allen's shift- they did a lovely "If I Loved You" together. somecamerunning's Sarah was there, in a special appearance from Jersey (where she recently moved with her boyfriend).
When somecamerunning went off to smoke, actress_in_nyc and I wrote notes to him on all his other cigarettes.

The rehearsal with Aldo didn't happen, so now we have to be at the show early on Saturday. Grump grump.

hotties, 12th night, thyme of the season, katherine & friends, nyit, marie's crisis, books, tonyc, music

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