And a lovely thing she is, too.

Mar 15, 2007 07:52

Killed some time at Staples after work, and saw two of the guys from sketch comedy troupe Olde English there, shopping for a printer. They seemed rather non-plussed when I recognized them, though they thanked me (presumably for watching). Adam, alas, did not fall in love with me at first sight.

Box Office for Land of the Undead was fine. Edward said he was sad that I wouldn't be running Box Office next week, which led to discussion of what I'm doing instead; I think I impressed him with all the readings of my plays that are about to go on. He asked if I'm going to be in the MITF this year, and I said probably not because I can't afford it, but I'll see if I can run tech for someone so I can see shit for free. He said he'd keep that in mind.
Didn't realized that LotU was only 2 weeks- next Wednesday's the last day. I'll have to see if I can make it. (I have my Ore reading on Monday, then I'm reviewing something on Tuesday)

Went to Marie's Crisis afterward. Dana (Helena in Midsummer) was there! It was nice to see her.

Buster was playing, which was weird. Fortunately, somecamerunning and Sarah were there, so we sat in the corner and were bitchy (except for somecamerunning, who is giddy over his new boy (so giddy, he actually sang Mary Poppins songs- Sarah and I were looking for the four horsemen)).
Someone requested Rocky Horror, and I had Buster incapacitated with laughter, just by doing the shout-outs.

Jim finally came and started playing; I went to get a drink and Buster came up and said it was nice to see me, etc. I saw his boyfriend looking at us from across the room- man, if looks could kill, I'd still be picking shrapnel out of my shoulder.

Only stayed till about 11:30; I really shouldn't have gone out singing with my cough, but the entertainment was certainly worth it. I held back on the belting most of the night, though, so I still have a voice. \o/

Morrigan asked if I was doing a show, and I mentioned Camino Real, and the cutie sitting next to me apparently went to college with Liz! Small world. I'm to tell her Tom Picasso says hi.

hotties, next step development series, camino real, rocky horror, plans

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