You know, it's very strange, doing
Camino Real, which has 4 weeks of performances; that's a month of shows. Plus 2 months of rehearsal.
I'm so used to, lately, a month (or less) of rehearsal for 4-6 shows.
It reminds me of doing shows at FPT, where we'd have about a month of rehearsal, then put it up and run the show till no one came anymore.
Of course, we were usually doing a late nite show and a children's show at the same time, and sometimes we didn't get a full month in, and sometimes people had to drop out and we had 1-2 days to learn a role (sometimes even 12 hours- who remembers Mark Swaner showing up as the Fairy in Little Bunny Foo-Foo (As Nasty as He Wants to Be)? It was a train wreck, but an hilarious one). Even though it was kinda toxic in a lot of ways, I loved it, and I miss that crazy theater (Lord knows, if it wasn't for them, I might never have started writing).
On the one hand, it's a big time committment, on the other, it's nice to luxuriate in the vast amounts of time we have to really get to know the show and characters. It's nice to have it not be over so quickly.
I want to run a theater company someday; I mean one with a permanent home.
Talked to Ethan about Admit Impediments- he's not sure of the time comittment, but he thinks he can do it.