Done! So, how do you approach this NaNo thing? Are you a pre-planner and outliner, or do you just simply start writing on November 1st and see where it takes you? I'm curious about how other people work!
That's me. I try to plan, but I have this bad memory thing and if I don't write my plans down I lose them... and lord knows I'm too lazy to write these things down as I think of them. I don't carry a notepad around with me or a voice recorder, so all my plans last only until I forget them. I've lost so many amazing ideas I've lost count! ;)
I once had the cure to cancer all figured out, but unfortunately didn't write it down. No worries, however, as I later devised the plans for a working time machine, so I could go back in time to when I had first come up with the cancer cure, and get the info from my past self before I (he) forgot it. But of course I didn't draw out the schematics for the time machine, and... well, you get the idea.
Nice to see you, dearie. Feel free to friend me over there and we can flog one another on to authorly greatness!
But planning only goes so far with me, and then it just turns into a "write until you find your way out of the dark" sort of thing.
Planning never really gets me very far in life. Eventually, I have to make things up as I go along.
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